Monthly Archives: March 2012

MONATOMIC GOLD: An Extraordinary Healing Agent

MONATOMIC GOLD: What is it and what can it do?

When making choices about our bodies and their care we need to know the real nature of the things we are putting in or on them. Hearsay and rumor filled with half-truths will not help us to make good and informed decisions. This is largely the case for “monatomic gold” as it has become a victim of New Age mentality and hype. The term, “Enlightenment in a bottle” puts the hype into a very telling and condensed example. “Snake oil cure all” is another recent, only pejorative soundbite, which is more apt. Let’s briefly look at what monatomic gold really is, its history, nature and uses, so that we can then base our health choices on accurate information.   Continue reading