To Take the Vaccination or Not? That is the Question….
Dr. Gabriel Cousens
Tree of Life Foundation
- Death
- Transverse Myelitis – the attack of the nervous system and the brain and spinal nerves (I once completely healed a person who developed transverse myelitis and was paralyzed from the neck down for two years, before I saw him.)
- Arthritis
- Joint pain
- Variety of auto-immune diseases, including disseminated encephalomyelitis (a major inflammation of the brain and spinal cord)
- Sterility
- Negative pregnancy and birth outcomes (secondarily to our immune cells) after the Covid-19 injection attacking syncytin-1, which has been shown to lead to potential miscarriages, birth defects, and infertility.
- Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Damage to our peripheral nervous system leading to abnormalities in heart rate and blood pressure
- Thrombocytopenia (low platelets and thus easy bleeding)
- Increased tendency for venous thrombosis, which is the opposite of point #10.
- Acute myocardial infarction
- Stroke
- Seizures and convulsions
- Multi-stage inflammatory syndrome in children, including inflammation of heart, lung, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, and of the gastrointestinal tract. (As children are highly immune to Covid-19, the risk-benefit ratio does not justify children being vaccinated against Covid-19.
- Kawasaki’s disease, which is higher in children under five years old
- Bell’s Palsy
- UK government warns pregnant women not to take the vaccination and women not to try to become pregnant until two months after the vaccination.
Portuguese and German courts have now ruled that the PCR tests are inaccurate. A group of German lawyers, who founded the Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss (ACU), also known as the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee,”are preparing to launch mass class-action lawsuits regarding the vaccine and the state pandemic. They are currently preparing the biggest class-action lawsuit in history, in which they seek to prove that the inaccurate PCR tests are being used to create the appearance of a pandemic. These lawyers, besides challenging the validity of the PCR test, seriously raise the question of whether they are even connected to the SARS-COVID-2 infection. They challenge, as I have also pointed out, the misbelief that lockdowns, mask mandates, and quarantines are effective at all because there’s no difference in Covid 19 death statistics between regions that have lockdowns and those that don’t. It appears that Covid-19 has not created an excess mortality rate anywhere on earth.
Why is this important?
When we use medical treatments, we have to ask, “What is the risk-to-benefit ratio?” The actual risk of COVID is low compared with the risks associated with the vaccine, which Bill Gates publicly stated may maim or kill up to 700,000 people worldwide. Even some of the manufacturers have stated that it neither prevents, stops the spread, nor treats Covid-19. The mRNA vaccine actually deprograms and changes the DNA of the individual receiving the vaccination, which may lead to untold complications and side effects over the longterm, and which also goes against God’s plan, and is a violation of our essential humanity.
- There is no real medical pandemic or medical emergency, and no accurate test to indicate the presence of covid-19 infection and therefore no need to risk your health and life by taking an experimental phase three untested vaccine.
- The real pandemic is fear and hysteria.
- The covid vaccines have not been proven safe or effective for short term and long term safety.
- Approximately 18 to 20 years of covid vaccine research has not solved the long and short term side effects including female sterility, cancer, and a variety of auto-immune disorders,
- The mRNA vaccines will Irreversibly alter and change our God-given genetic code.
- Mandated vaccinations are a violation of body autonomy, freedom of medical choice, and prevention of information that prevents us from having enough scientific information to make an informed choice.
- The use of nanobot and nano lipid technology in the Covid-19 can potentially “control” our consciousness and negatively transform us to lose our humanity.
- The vaccine represents the penetration of the body, mind, and spirit by the State.