By Maggie Zhou, PhD
Smallpox was the first disease ever to be vaccinated against, and it was the first and only human disease to have been declared “eradicated”, supposedly thanks to the WHO’s global vaccination campaigns.Therefore, it’s a favorite “success story” that vaccine proponents love to brandish around.
But what if I tell you this is a major deception? Before you laugh it out of the water, check out the verifiable evidence below.Shockingly, smallpox vaccines killed millions around the world, giving them smallpox, septicaemia, syphilis, tetanus, leprosy, tuberculosis, erysipelas, aggressive cancers…
We’re told that the last case of naturally occurring smallpox was in 1975, and the last case of naturally occurring variola minor (causing a milder form of smallpox with a much lower fatality rate) occurred in 1977. And that the eradication was all due to the WHO’s years of intensive smallpox vaccination campaigns.
Yet, “In 1974, immunization coverage in developing countries was estimated to be less than 5 percent with vaccines distributed by the EPI (Expanded Programme on Immunization, of the WHO), except for slightly higher coverage with bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine.” — Wright, P.F. et al (1991)1
“It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated.” — [Glen Dettman Ph.D., pathologist, awarded (together with the eminent Australian doctor Archie Kalokerinos M.D.) the Australian Medal of Merit for “Outstanding Scientific Research”. (1978)]
“(S)mallpox was globally eradicated by 1980 despite voluntary vaccination policies in many jurisdictions.” — Perisic & Bauch (2009)2
WHO itself made some very interesting admissions, in their publication announcing the final eradication of smallpox, and recounting how it was brought about: “A Victory for All Mankind”, by Dr. Donald A. Henderson3, who lead the eradication campaign:
“Of greater concern was the discovery that, even when vaccinations were administered to 80 per cent of a population, smallpox often persisted.”
On the other hand, “Even in areas where vaccination coverage was poor, smallpox transmission could often be stopped quickly. So now increasing emphasis was placed on the surveillance-containment component of the strategy…”
(Dr. Henderson is also said to have penned the following passage (although I haven’t tried to locate a copy of the book): “Reliable data are surprisingly sparse as to the efficacy and durability of protection afforded by (smallpox) vaccination.” — Vaccine, 3rd edition, 1988)
Eventually, it was this aggressive, diligent disease surveillance and containment, that eradicated smallpox throughout the third world countries (but see below about other poxviruses).
This makes sense, because interrupting smallpox transmission by identifying cases quickly and isolating them, preventing others from coming into close contact with them, would prevent the virus from being passed on. Smallpox virus (variola) infects only humans (and can persist for up to 12 days in the salivary glands and hemolymph of bedbugs that had fed on an infected host’s blood, Epstein, G. V. et al, 19364). There’s no other host reservoir (but there’re many similar animal pox viruses, see later).
Crucially, the “containment” would necessarily have entailed cleaning and sanitizing of the household, because of the belief that the oropharyngeal secretions and scabs from the patient, which lands abundantly on their beddings and clothing, but also in their immediate environment, have high concentrations of the smallpox virion. — See WHO publication, Fenner, F. et al(1988)5, p.166.
But of course, the sponsors of the WHO smallpox campaign had all along intended to use the success to establish vaccines as the sacred untouchable saviour of humanity! This is why sanitation is not mentioned, all we hear about is vaccines. The reality is, containment and sanitation was so successful, DESPITE the ring vaccinations of close contacts around index cases.
Below I’ll go into historical evidence showing that sanitation & isolation was the key to eliminating smallpox outbreaks. Vaccination on the other hand, had historically increased susceptibility to smallpox infection and mortality rate from it, as well as caused dramatic increases in many other horrible inoculable diseases (leprosy, syphilis, tuberculosis, tetanus, etc.). Sometimes, vaccination campaigns resulted in smallpox epidemics. There’s also abundant historical proof of systematic falsification by guidelines for diagnosis, for death certificates, etc., to maintain the lie of vaccination. Governments, medical & scientific establishments have strenuously disregarded all the hard scientific evidence repeatedly brought to their attention and in courts, showing the uselessness and danger of the vaccines,
I’ll rely heavily on the vast collection of historical books and official records on this and many related topics (not all of which I agree with, of course), at the remarkable website: – my deep gratitude to the creator of that site!
So much thorough historical documentation of the vaccination fraud exists, which allopathic medical establishment and the media have all but wiped out of our collective memory, and public libraries have been systematically cleansing them out of physical existence. The agenda to mandate injections on all of humanity is clearer than ever today. That’s why exposing the historical lies that their whole enterprise is built upon is so important.
It is generally held that, smallpox vaccines didn’t use true variola (the smallpox virus), but instead were prepared from animal pus where the vaccinia virus was inoculated on their cut skin.
According to the CDC, “Vaccinia is in the same family as cowpox and variola (smallpox) but is genetically distinct from both. The origin of vaccinia virus and how it came to be in the vaccine are not known.”6
Isn’t it remarkable, that for nearly 180 years, the world had inserted pus material with a virus of unknown origin, into vast numbers of its population, under the faith that it helped ward off smallpox?
Historical documents (mainly smallpox vaccine inventor Edward Jenner’s own writings) suggest Jenner may have originally obtained vaccinia virus by transferring “horsegrease”, which is the very stinky sore material on horse’s infected heels, to a cow’s nipples, then obtaining the cowpox pustules from that infection (vacca means cow, which is why he called it “vaccinia”). Vaccinia is also distinct from horsepox though.
Throughout the first century and more of smallpox vaccination practice, this starting material, vaccinia, was then inserted into cut wounds of a wide variety of animals (see partial list in link below), most often cows or calves, to yield pustular material, which was finely ground up and bottled as vaccines, or “lymph” as it was deceptively called. Even corpses of smallpox patients were used by some producers as source material. Very often, to ensure “freshness” of the vaccination material, arm-to-arm transfer was performed, meaning, the pustules formed on one vaccinated person’s arm, were used to vaccinate the next. Therefore, what was inserted into a person had passed through many animals and human bodies. You can read detailed accounts of how “lymph” was manufactured, in J.T. Biggs (1912), Part 12, Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination.7 (warning: SUPER BARBARIC & REPULSIVE!)
Illustration: “How cattle are diseased and tortured and Vaccine Virus produced.” From Fig. 1 Higgins, C.M. (1920)8 HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED
Although vaccinia is claimed to be less dangerous to humans than smallpox (Variola major), yet conferring immunity to smallpox, there’re many documentations in the books I cite in this article, that indicate neither claim is true. Also, at least in some cases (as explained by Dr. S. Monekton Copeman, inventor of the so called “glycerinated calf lymph”, a supposed giant improvement), the “lymph” was actually scraped from human corpses who died quickly from smallpox (more virulent strains?), which was then passed through monkeys, then to calves, then into children (by one or more cuts on the arm with a lancet). He called what was thus obtained “the most satisfactory material”. Is there a better way to collect diseases from all these animals into one place, and give to children?
‘Photograph of a little English baby two months old, taken after death, killed by vaccination in thirty-six days. This is a very severe and frequent form of fatal vaccination known as “Generalized Vaccinia,” where the vaccine sore spreads all over the body in a series of big confluent pustules very like confluent smallpox, being thus clearly an aggravated case of pus infection and septicemia.’ — From Fig. 5 of Higgins, C.M. (1920)8 HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED
‘Horrible Case of Cowpox in a Woman.Epidemic of 1902. Back view of a woman suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease, or Virulent Cowpox, caused by Vaccination. Photograph shows final stages of eruption and was taken a short while before death. Note large blotches all over body caused by several vesicles running together, then breaking and excoriating, leaving large raw sores like big scalds or burns.’ The front view was ‘too horrible’ he spared the readers — From Fig. 11 of Higgins, C.M. (1920)8HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED
‘Horrible Case of Cowpox in a Woman.Epidemic of 1902. Back view of a woman suffering from Foot and Mouth Disease, or Virulent Cowpox, caused by Vaccination. Photograph shows final stages of eruption and was taken a short while before death. Note large blotches all over body caused by several vesicles running together, then breaking and excoriating, leaving large raw sores like big scalds or burns.’ The front view was ‘too horrible’ he spared the readers — From Fig. 11 of Higgins, C.M. (1920)8HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED
NO INACTIVATION OF THE VIRUS WAS EVER CARRIED OUT ON SMALLPOX VACCINES, as far as I could tell. I believe this was unique (although I’m not certain), as most later vaccines claimed to use either inactivated virus/bacterial pathogen, or “attenuated”, or only a protein component of the virus.
The original idea was to give someone the disease when they were “ready to take it on”, under the best circumstances, e.g., availability of food and care, instead of, say, catching the disease during a famine.
(This would have been the only potential historical justification for vaccinating against smallpox, before the understanding that vaccination doesn’t work, while sanitation & isolation could completely stop its spread. But, COMPULSORY vaccination removed this only potential justification, by removing any control of circumstances by the recipient.)
Just two excerpts on how dangerous these filthy “lymph” were, from J.T. Biggs’ 1912 book:
‘Writing after ‘forty years’ practice as a physician, Dr. William Hycheman, M.D., New York, said in 1880: “Now vaccination by calfpox, cow-pox, or humanised pox, whatever may be the multiplicity of lymphs (and ‘ pure vaccine’ is only a rhetorical euphemism for horse-grease), is an eruptive disease, setting in with febrile symptoms, followed by papule, vesicle, and pustule, in about eight days. And what else is small-pox? I have recently dissected more than a dozen children, whose deaths were caused by vaccination, and no small-pox, however black, could have left more hideous traces of its malignant sores, foul sloughing, hearts empty or congested with clots, than did some of these examples of State physic, which killed with rotten patches of lungs, spleen, mesenteric glands, kidneys, and intestines.“’
‘”Le Progres Medical” (a journal published in Paris], of 3rd November, 1888, contains the report of a paper, by Dr. Pourquier, on the cutaneous symptoms consequent upon animal vaccination, in which the author refers to 800 infants ulcerated by animal virus, observed by Protze, of Elberfeld, and also to an epidemic, reported by Professor Brouardel, consequent upon vaccination with animal virus, in which sixteen of the inoculated children died within twenty-four hours.’
The author, J.T. Biggs, related the PATTERN, how with each particular formulation or source of the vaccine turning into a disaster, the proponents merely blamed it on some imperfection of that particular incarnation, denounced it, and promoted a new version as the “true” and “pure”, ultimate savoir of mankind, only to be later replaced with yet another, and repeat again. This was how they went from the “lymph” of animal (cow) pox, to various other animal poxes, to human arm-to-arm, and then when that proved disastrous and universally condemned, back on to animal “lymph” again, with the twist of mixing with “pure” glycerine.
But read further below about the Rugen disaster, where the German authority blamed the huge outbreak there on the glycerine in the vaccine, because they didn’t want to blame the vaccine itself, for causing a nasty skin disease outbreak.
Dr. Walter Hadwen M.D., in an address14 delivered in 1896, scorned at the same dodge tactic of the vaccine pushers: ‘…and yet they say “there are no bad results with proper care.” How is it, then, that this mischief occurs? If they cannot happen with proper care, then these results, according to that theory, must he due to carelessness, and if so it is manslaughter; and have you ever heard of a medical man being charged with manslaughter in such a case?’
Indeed, smallpox vaccination was extremely dangerous, caused countless misery, killed and maimed millions throughout the world, and spread leprosy, syphilis, erysipelas, scrofula, and many other inoculable diseases (more on that in sections below). So much of these sordid facts were officially documented & admitted, only later to be memory-holed.
‘In Germany, in the years 1870-1871, over 1,000,000 people had smallpox of which 120,000 died. 96% of these had been vaccinated. An address sent to the governments of the various German states from Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany, contained the following comments:”… the hopes placed in the efficacy of the cowpox virus as preventative of smallpox have proved entirely deceptive”.’ — from article by Ian Sinclair.
From book by J.T. Biggs J.P. (1912)7:
‘In 1834, a Prussian law required the revaccination of every recruit with ten insertions in each arm. This, under conscription, revaccinated practically every adult male. In 1871-72 Prussia lost 124,948 by small-pox. Were all the adults among them females? Certainly not. Moreover, the better-vaccinated male population, like that in Italy, furnished the highest small-pox death-rate.’
‘…no less a sum than £9,500,000 was spent at Berlin, in sanitary and health works of various kinds, from 1871 to 1892. Not only has similar work been carried out more or less all over Germany, but a system of notification and isolation (after the pattern, but much more strict than the ” Leicester Method “) is now in full operation. Immunity from small-pox is due to these measures…’
Professor Carlo Ruata, M.D., of Italy, wrote in 1899: “Our young men are obliged, by law, to enter the army at the age of twenty… The consequence is that, after the age of twenty years, men are by far better vaccinated than women, and after the age of twenty small-pox should kill less men than women.” He went on to show the actual numbers (see link above) of smallpox deaths in men and in women, before and after the age of twenty, during theepidemicyears 1887-88-89. It was very clear, that men & women under 20 died at equal numbers for each of the 3 years, but for those over 20, far more men died than women! “All the following years until the last known (1897) give the same results.” —J.T. Biggs (1912)7
From “International Anti-Vaccination League resolution against vaccination 1880”9:
‘EIGHTH.—Dr. H. OIDTMANN, of Aix la Chapelle, has proved by official returns from the towns of Cologne, Dusseldorf, Duren, Elberfeld, Lieghitz, Treves, Wesel, and other places, that Vaccination does not afford even a temporary protection against small-pox, but on the contrary, on the outbreaks of small-pox, there is large and constant priority amongst those attacked, of the vaccinated and re-vaccinated, over those who have escaped Vaccination.’
From a 1936 Pamphlet, The Case AGAINST Vaccination10 By M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.:
“Compare these well vaccinated countries with Australia, the least vaccinated country in the world. In 134 years, not one-fifth of the children born have been vaccinated. Yet only three Australian children under five have died of that disease. In the last 50 years, no child under five has died of smallpox, and in the whole of her history, less than one person per annum has died of it, although allowing five years protective period, only 2 per cent, of her population have ever been “protected.”
“The following figures, corrected for population, are derived from the Report of the Health Committee of the League of Nations, and show the SMALLPOX DEATH-RATE PER MILLION DURING THE YEARS 1919-1927: —
England and Wales… 0.46
Switzerland … … 0.50
Germany … … 2.1
Belgium ……………… 2.1
Austria … … 2.4
France …………………………..2.9
Poland …………………………10.3
Czechoslovakia … 23.4
Roumania … … 47.4
Italy…………………………………… 101.1
Portugal ………………………. 386.0
“It will be noted that in the two countries where vaccination is least practised the deaths from smallpox are negligible, while they are highest where vaccination is rigorously enforced.”
From book by Lilly Loat (1951), The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization11:
“The most thoroughly vaccinated countries are Italy, the Phillipine Islands, Mexico and what was formerly called British India. And all of these have been scourged with smallpox epidemics… Of European countries Portugal had a thoroughly, vaccinated population, and when smallpox occurred in Europe Portugal had the highest amount of that disease.”
From book by Dr. Charles T. Pearce, M.D. (1868) Essay on Vaccination12:
“Jenner lived to see his error: he found that vaccinated people not only were attacked with small-pox, but that it attacked them sometimes twice. These observed facts, and the frequent failures of vaccination in his own time, led to his advising … re-vaccination, indeed, he re-vaccinated his patients once a year.”
This page contains 2 links to articles that present numerous strong evidence that:
1) Once sanitation was improved, smallpox went away;
2) In unsanitary living conditions, vaccinated people were just as susceptible to, and died just as much, in fact even more, than the unvaccinated, from smallpox.
3) Large outbreaks happened despite an almost 100% vaccination coverage, while much improved sanitary conditions reduced smallpox incidence and deaths by orders of magnitude, despite the majority of the population being unvaccinated.
The 2 articles by Dr. Walter R. Hadwen, at one of the links at the above page, are very well written and fascinating to read. They were published in 1923.
“The Compulsory Vaccination Act (of the UK) was passed in 1853; a still more stringent one followed in 1867. And between the years 1871 and 1880 there were 57,016 smallpox deaths…Between 1911 and 1920 the deaths numbered only 110.” (During the preceding 15 years from the time of his writing in 1923), “England has been largely unvaccinated, probably to the extent of about 75 per cent”.
In other words, when the UK was almost 100% vaccinated, they had 57,016 smallpox deaths from 1871-1880 (in fact, during the outbreak of just 1871-1873, there were 44,840smallpox deaths in England and Wales alone), yet in 1911-1920, when only about 25% were vaccinated, all of England had only 110 smallpox deaths! Clearly, it was not vaccination that helped!
It’s also interesting how even in the 19th century, the press was already pushing vaccines and fearmongering just like today:
“I remember 26 years ago there was an outbreak of smallpox at Redruth, in Cornwall. The Press in all parts of the United Kingdom was immediately supplied with exaggerated reports, and scares were created by public vaccinators hundreds of miles away. I went down to investigate the affair on my own account.There were altogether 44 cases; 84 per cent. occurred in vaccinated persons…”
He then described in detail the horrifically filthy conditions where the outbreak happened, and with which all the 44 cases were associated.
Dr. Vernon Coleman M.D.: “One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872 – nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn’t work the people of Leicester in the English midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers.”
See Graph G of the 1912 book by J.T. BIGGS (himself a councillor of Leicester, UK), titled “LEICESTER: SANITATION versus VACCINATION”7. The famous “Leicester Method” of relying on isolation of any imported smallpox cases (from other, mostly well-vaccinated districts), and on sanitation, to prevent smallpox epidemics, began in 1877. After that, Leicester was able to stamp out all subsequent outbreaks that hit the rest of England badly (and there were a large number of them). During that period, VACCINATION RATE OF NEW BIRTHS IN LEICESTER APPROACHED ZERO.
(For a higher resolution image, go to
Alfred R. Wallace, a great polymath, in chapter 4 of his 1898 book “Vaccination A Delusion”13, used the British Army and Navy as a conclusive test. After the great epidemic of 1871-2, the Army and Navy were admitted to have been completely revaccinated. Yet, they had more than twice the smallpox death rate per million persons, compared to Leicester, where vaccination rates dropped precipitously as shown in the graph above. (Source of statistics see book link)
Per Million. | |
Army (1878-94)small-pox death rate | 37 |
Navy (1878-94)small-pox death rate | 36.8 |
Leicester ages (1878-94) small-pox death rate ages 15—45 | 14.4 |
Dr. W. Scott Tebb M.D., in his 1898 book A Century of Vaccination and What it Teaches28, chapter 2, analyzed the numbers of smallpox, typhus and scarlet fever incidence & deaths in various periods of the 19th century in different parts of UK, concluding that:
“(A)lthough there has been a marked decline in small-pox since the last century, there has been an equal, if not a greater, reduction in typhus fever. It has also been shown that since the commencement of registration the vaccination of a gradually increasing proportion of the population previous to the great epidemic of 1871-72 had very little effect on the smallpox death-rate, although there was an appreciable diminution in fever. From this epidemic to the present time, with an increasing neglect of vaccination since 1881, an enormous decline in small-pox has taken place, and a corresponding diminution in typhus and scarlet fevers; the reduction in all three diseases being due, no doubt, in large measure to the sanitary improvements introduced by the Public Health Act of 1875.”
[Note that here he was accepting the official smallpox statistics at face value, but in section 5 below you’ll read the systematic and officially sanctioned falsification of statistics right from the beginning, to call smallpox victims who had been vaccinated as suffering from something else other than smallpox, or recording them as unvaccinated. Note also, that a vaccine was never introduced for typhus (not to be confused with typhoid) or for scarlet fever.]
“Sanitation did for PRUSSIA what 35 years of compulsory vaccination was unable to accomplish. At the present time in Prussia small-pox is almost extinct. (Cheers.) It is not that people ‘are being vaccinated more; they are vaccinated less.” — speech by Dr Walter Hadwen M.D. (1896) The Case Against Vaccination14
Here’s an excellent short article with historical statistics on smallpox deaths and vaccination. Excerpt:
‘Dr. Charles Nichols of Boston gave this indictment:
‘“In India, according to an official return presented to the British House of Commons by Viscount Morley, there have been, during 30 years, 1877 to 1906, 3,344,325 deaths from smallpox of persons presumably vaccinated, for vaccination is universally enforced in India….In each and every community where vaccination ceases and strict sanitation is substituted, smallpox disappears. There areno exceptionsto this.”’
Numerous doctors throughout history exposed the smallpox vaccine as a fraud. See quotes.
From an editorial piece in The Lancet (1999)15: “A pilgrim returned home to Yugoslavia from Mecca in February, 1972, with a fever… In the 4 weeks since the pilgrim first had his fever, 150 people were infected across the country. It took 4 weeks before doctors, nurses, and health authorities knew they were dealing with smallpox… 175 people contracted smallpox [thereafter] and 35 died…These events occurred in a well-vaccinated population.” — In other words, the well-vaccinated population wasn’t protected AT ALL against smallpox, so long as quarantine measures were not taken to interrupt transmission!
Here’s a great collection of info w.r.t. smallpox mortality:
Case Fatality Rate = the number of smallpox deaths out of the number of smallpox cases.
The following is selected material mostly from the above link.
Not only did vaccination and re-vaccination not protect people from contracting and dying from smallpox, but it actually increased their chances of both.
Writing in the British Medical Journal (21/1/1928 p116)16, Dr L.A. Parry concurred with Dr. Garrow’s question, asking:
“How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as in the unvaccinated?”…
“How is it that in Germany, the best vaccinated country in the world, there are more deaths in proportion to the population than In England – for example, in 1919, 28 deaths in England, 707 In Germany; In 1920, 30 deaths In England, 354 In Germany In Germany In 1919 There were 5,012 cases of smallpox with 707 deaths; in England In 1925 There were 5,363 cases of smallpox with 6 deaths. What is the explanation?” – [MZ’s note: England by that time had much lower vaccination rate for smallpox.]
For case fatality rate comparison, see Graph C and Table 21 in Chapter 55 of of J.T. Biggs’ 1912 book.7. Japan was under compulsory vaccination and re-vaccination. Leicester rejected vaccination in favor of sanitation after 1877.
Some statistics on smallpox & vaccination in the Philippines 1905-1920. ‘Systematic (mass) vaccination started in 1905, and since its introduction case mortality increased alarmingly. Their own records comment that “The mortality is hardly explainable.”’— Kalokerinos & Dettman (1977)17
The following example is from C.M. Higgins (1920)8
‘Example Fifth. The FULLYVACCINATED U. S. battleship Ohio versus the unvaccinated City of Niagara Falls, N. Y.
‘A smallpox epidemic raged on this battleship at Guantanamo, Cuba, in December, 1913, and January, 1914, with these figures:
Population…………………………………. about 1000 Smallpox Cases………………………………………… 29 Deaths ……………………………………………………. 5
‘Per contra, an epidemic existed in Niagara Falls from 1912 to 1914, inclusive, as follows:
Population ………………………………………… 40,000
Total cases of Smallpox………………….. 550
Deaths from Smallpox…………………………………. 1
Deaths from Vaccination…………………………….. 3 Never vaccinated…………………………… 483 Vaccinated over five years……………….. 26 Vaccinated for less than 5 years………….. 5Not stated …………………………………… 36550
‘… The vaccinated ship had twenty-nine cases and five deaths per thousand population.
‘This same ratio of disease and death applied to the 40,000 population of Niagara Falls would call for 1160 cases and 200 deaths! Whereas the cases were actually only fourteen per thousand population and the deaths one fortieth of one person per thousand population, while the known deaths from vaccination were three!’
Many homeopathic and naturopathic doctors achieved very low case fatality rates (0-2%). There’re many references to this fact on the website, including links to books by eminent doctors of the era (before the Rockefellers completely tookover & dominated the medical field). A few examples:
“If one fact stands out more clearly than another, it is that the case fatality of small-pox depends on treatment…At Sydney, in 1913, out of 1,016 cases of small-pox there wasnot a single death, although 95 per cent, of the cases were unvaccinated. At Niagara Falls, 1913-14, out of about 500 casesnone were fatal, although vaccination had been largely discarded in the town for many years.” [From a 1921 booklet of the THE NATIONAL ANTI-VACCINATION LEAGUE.18]
Smallpox, tetanus, and all other “scare diseases”, are only really dangerous when treated with toxic “medicines”, dirty surgical equipment etc., explained natural hygienist Keki R. Sidhwa in a 1965 article.19 (And of course, in patients with very ill health or poorly nourished, and when the virus is introduced in sufficient quantities through open wounds, as in smallpox vaccination itself.)
‘In a recent number of the Leicester Free Press, it is said :—” So far as we are concerned in Leicester, a town containing 120,000 inhabitants, with many thousands of unvaccinated children, smallpox seems to be about the least dangerous of all diseases…”’ —William Tebb (1881)20
“During the last ten years, I have treated and cured all kinds of serious acute diseases without resorting to allopathic drugs. In a very extensive practice, I have not in all these years lost a single case of appendicitis (and not one of them was operated upon), of typhoid fever, diphtheria, smallpox, scarlet fever, etc., and only one case of cerebro-spinal meningitis and of lobar pneumonia. These facts may be verified from the records of the Health Department of the City of Chicago.” —– Henry Lindlahr M.D. (1922)21, Chapter 16.
“Children reared healthily in relation to food, exercise, and ventilation, have little to fear from any disease, however contagious; they may have this (small-pox), but it will not endanger life, nor produce much deformity, nor serious injury. I have seen within the last year a most horridly loathsome case of scrofulous disease, in which the patient literally rotted alive at the age of 15, from unhealthy virus received when he was but three years of age.” — DR. R. T. Trall M.D. (1855)22, New York, Hydropathic Encyclopedia p96
Vitamin C deficiency is directly associated with degrees of virulence of smallpox (and other infections). Dr. Charles Campbell M.D., who was in charge of San Antonio pest house (isolation ward), reported to the Bexar County Medical Society, that smallpox was most prevalent among the poor,who, according to him, “care little or nothing for fruits or vegetables”; “that it is more prevalent in winter, when the anti-scorbutics (anti-scurvy related foods) are scarce and high priced; and, finally, that the removal of this perversion of nutrition will so mitigate the virulence of this malady as positively to prevent the pitting or pocking of smallpox. A failure of the fruit crop in any particularly large area is always followed the succeeding winter by the presence of smallpox.”23 Also see here.
In fact, vaccination itself is so taxing on the body, that deficiency in the powerful antioxidant, vitamin C, proved fatal to many Australian indigenous children that were vaccinated. Following their colonization, these indigenous people lost access to their traditional, healthy diets, and their new diet was extremely deficient in vitamin C. When the renowned doctor Archie Kalokerinos M.D. treated them with a massive dose of vit C, he was able to drastically reduce their death rate from vaccination. He even went as far as writing: “I found that any viral infection, including measles and hepatitis, could be dramatically ‘cured’ by administering Vitamin C intravenously in big doses–provided that treatment was commenced early.”— A. Kalokerinos M.D. (2000)24 More quotes from him here. Find a lecture by him here.
“Under conventional medical treatment, patients were druggedheroically, bled profusely, were smothered in blankets, wallowed in dirty linen, were allowed no water, fresh air and stuffed with milk, brandy or wine. Antimony and Mercurywere medicated in large doses. Physicians kept their patients bundled up warm in bed, with the room heated and doors and windows carefully closed, so that not a breath of fresh air could get in, and given freely large doses of drugs to induce sweating(Sudorifics), plus wine and aromatized liquors. Fever patients were put into vaporbath chambers in order to sweat the impurities out of the system. Given no water when they cried for it and when gasping for air were carried to a dry-hot room and after a while were returned to the steam torture. Many must have died of Heat Stroke!”–Dr Herbert Shelton DC, on smallpox death rate.
Simply skipping the use of alcohol on children reduced case mortality rate from 17% to 11% or 8%. See here for more.
Excerpts from 1977 book by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D. N.D., Swine Flu Expose25, chapter 5:
‘Not only are doctors given verbal instructions to disregard the truth, but thewritten instructions in medical journals and textsalso make it clear that lies are preferred and expected in order to protect the fianancial “racket” of vaccination.
‘For instance, an article titled “Smallpox — Its Differential Diagnosis,” by Archibald L. Hoyne, M.D., which was read before the Chicago Medical Society and published in the Illinois Medical Journal, June 1923, states:
“In examining a case of suspected smallpox, close observation is of the utmost importance. If the patient shows evidence of a typical vaccination scar of comparatively recent date, váriola (smallpox) may be almost absolutely ruled out.”
‘From the Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society (March, 1927) we read: “The following points are important aids in the diagnosis of smallpox
“The absence of any history of having had smallpox or a successful vaccination within the past five years.”
‘Even in “Modern Medicine” by the famous Dr. William Osler (Vol. 1, p.853) instructions are given the physicians to report cases of smallpox as chickenpox if there is a vaccination mark. The FIRSTdifferential point in the diagnosis of chickenpox and smallpox is pointed out as “the vaccinal condition of the patient.”’
‘Dr. Henry May, a medical officer of health, wrote in the Birmingham Medical Review (Vol. 3. pp. 34 & 35,)’, wrote about how, in order “to preserve vaccination from reproach”, he (and he expected other doctors to) “assign some prominent symptom of (smallpox) disease as the cause of death”, if the person had been vaccinated. ‘As Dr. May was one of the medical heads, he set the pattern for other doctors to follow.’
The above chapter of McBean’s book also gave examples of where official statistics were tracked down and independently investigated, GROSS LIES were exposed where the vaccinated deaths were systematically recorded as unvaccinated deaths, or the vaccinated smallpox deaths were recorded as from many other causes except smallpox. She gave examples such as an honest doctor’s filing of a vaccinated smallpox death certificate being rejected by the City Health Commissioner (strong arm of the medical trust); examples such as even when a boy died THREE MINUTES after being given anti-scarlet fever serum (vaccine), the doctor claimed the serum couldn’t possibly have killed him, and the jury officially decided the boy had died of “shock”!
As Dr. W. Scott Tebb M.D. explained in his 1898 book A Century of Vaccination and What it Teaches28, Chapter 2, in the UK chickenpox incidence and deaths were included with smallpox until 1874, after which, it got separated out, making smallpox incidence and deaths appear lower thanks to vaccination. It is “very probable” that most of the chickenpox deaths “were in reality cases of modified small-pox, true chicken-pox being an ailment that is rarely, if ever, fatal.”
From the June 2000 Idaho Observer:
‘From 1904 to 1934 in England and Wales, 3,112 died of chicken pox and 579 died of smallpox according to the health records. In other words, people who have been vaccinated for smallpox and later come down with the disease are classified in the health records as having chickenpox, a non-fatal disease.’
From book by Lilly Loat (1951)11:
‘Defenders of vaccination produce fantastic fatality rates for the “unvaccinated” in smallpox outbreaks. Seeing that there is general agreement that 18 per cent was the average smallpox fatality rate before vaccination was introduced, those who tell of rates of 35, 50, 60 and even 100 per cent should be asked what treatment the “unvaccinated” received at the hands of modern doctors that they died at these extraordinary rates.’
She also talks about how people who had previously been declared “successfully vaccinated” and re-vaccinated multiple times, when they died of smallpox, were then recorded as “unsuccessful vaccination” or “unvaccinated”. In severe cases, “called a confluent case, the marks of vaccination are hidden. The scars being invisible, the case goes down as unvaccinated. They do not die because they are unvaccinated; they are unvaccinated because they die. If they recover they are restored to the vaccinated class.”
In the USA in 1917, mandatory vaccination and revaccination of 5 or 6 kinds of vaccines available at that time was required in the military, but not uniformly in the civilian population. C.M. Higgins (1920)8 noted that, in the report of the Surgeon General of the United States Army for 1918, covering the statistics of the year 1917, it was shown that the chief causes of death in the Army in 1917 were pneumonia, measles and meningitis in the order stated, and that pneumonia caused about 32% of all deaths, measles30%, meningitis 10%, and scarlet fever about 2%. Compared to civilian population, measles was 200x more frequent, meningitis 15x more frequent, pneumonia 12x more frequent, and scarlet fever 10x more frequent in the Army than in the civil population.
Significantly, Higgins stated, “in many of the cases of fatal vaccination [in civilians], which I have investigated, or have on record, for several years past, I find that pneumonia and meningitis figure as the chief complicating diseases which have caused death in acting as a secondary, double, or mixed infection with the primary infection of the vaccination, and that these two diseases are the most common complications together with septicemia and lockjaw [tetanus] in all fatal vaccinations.”
He also suggested that the other two big killers in the US army, measles and scarlet fever, could be misdiagnosed smallpox cases caused by the vaccination, since they’re “more closely related to smallpox and vaccination than any other known diseases, so much so, in fact, that in olden times they were actually considered as forms of smallpox and were not differentiated therefrom as in modern times; and they are, of course, very often, to-day, confounded with smallpox by inexpert doctors before the eruption is fully developed, or in mild types of smallpox which are often mistaken for scarlet fever or measles.”
In other words, many, if not most, of the deaths from the 4 leading causes in the US Army at that time, may have been caused by vaccinations!
Higgins also mentioned that many cases obviously caused by the vaccination were “treated as a great mystery by the vaccinating doctors”, and usually called “generalized vaccinia,” “overflow of vaccination” or “Pemphigus” by the English coroners [as if they weren’t a direct result of vaccination].
Read more about how smallpox vaccine deaths and sufferings were deliberately covered up, what the trick of “coroner’s order” is and how it was used to hide vaccination deaths, etc., here.
Similarly, when typhoid vaccine recipients came down with typhoid, they said a worse form of typhoid had arrived, and called it “paratyphoid”.
Later on, when those vaccinated against POLIO became sick with polio, they were, by medical guideline, diagnosed with new disease names like “acute flaccid paralysis” because, well, they “can’t get polio”.
This is how they covered up the deaths and destruction caused by vaccines, fabricating vaccine effectiveness & safety. HENCE, OFFICIAL STATISTICS, FROM THE EARLY DAYS OF VACCINATION ALL THE WAY DOWN, MUST NOT BE TRUSTED.
Here’re some very illustrious quotes about smallpox vaccine inventor Edward Jenner:
“In a recent letter from Dr. A. Ward of the Pathology Department, University of Hong Kong, in which he requests permission to use some of our findings in his textbook on immunology, Dr. Ward states:‘I again like you do not worship Louis Pasteur and I consider Edward Jenner to be one of thegreat criminals of history.'”—Kalokerinos & Dettman (1977)17
Jenner himself tried to explain away the cases where vaccinated people still contracted smallpox anyway, by calling the vaccine they got “spurious”, the definition of which he changed 3 times, before finally in 1807, pressed before the College of Physicians, he retreated from previous assertions, and basically said nothing more was meant by Spurious Cowpox than variations in the results! — summarized from William White’s account, in the Jenner quotes link.
‘Even Dr. Major Greenwood, Chief Statistician to the Ministry of Health, declared in 1929 that: “In Jenner’s classical paper no mistake was omitted that could possibly have been made, and there was a good deal of evidence that Jenner had been a rogue.” In his well-known work, ” Epidemics and Crowd Diseases” (1935), Professor Greenwood wrote: ”Most of Jenner’s time during the last twenty years of his life was spent in attempting the impossible, i.e., in attempting to convince his correspondents that no properly cowpoxed person could get smallpox.” (p. 264)’ — M. Beddow Bayly (1936)10
Ever since the 19th century, prominent figures in the medical establishment and political structures of western nations have been doing all in their power to vaccinate the masses (and those in their colonies), even fabricating FABULOUS FABLES to facilitate their propaganda.
Two such fables were sampled in the 1912 book by J.T. Biggs7 – link to chapter here:
In one, the president of the M.R.C.S. (Membership of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland), Ernest Hart, described how Mr. Ashbury, a senior member of parliament, visited the seaport town of Ceara, in Brazil, and found that it had just recently been devastated by a smallpox epidemic, in which “no fewer than 40,000” people died, “out of a population not exceeding 70,000”! Turns out, that town only had 20,000 inhabitants to begin with.
In another, a certain Dr. Roth, during the Statistical Congress at St. Petersburg, in 1872, cooked up fabulous numbers of comparison between French and German armies in their smallpox deaths, and their vaccination status. Not only were the numbers completely fabricated, but that they were repeated endlessly in the press, and then, even after being shown to be a fabrication, continued to be used in speeches in the parliament, merely naming a different authority for where the numbers came from!
I’ve come to realize that from the beginning, it was not just that the medical profession was unwilling to admit its mistakes about vaccines. It was way more than that. There’s been a deliberate plot from high up in the power structure, to deceive, to maim and kill, and to cause maximum suffering, of the masses, with vaccines as a tool of stealth mass ritual sacrifice, just like with wars that they incessantly arrange, where the same cabal controls all sides. The medical establishment has been entirely taken over and controlled by the cabal through the Rockefeller foundation, resulting in mis-education of the medical profession, who then becomes staunch defenders of old, unscientific dogma, and the hands that deliver the sacrifices.
Even according to the US CDC26, about 1 out of 1,000 people vaccinated for the first time experienced reactions that “included … spread of the vaccinia virus …to other individuals”. Remember, this was with the “improved” smallpox vaccine of the 20th century, with supposedly less impurities in terms of bacteria (from the animal pus where the vaccinia virus was multiplied). The first more than 100 years of smallpox vaccines were even more horrific in spreading smallpox and many other inoculable diseases.
What’s more, there’s evidence that smallpox was already on its way out, before vaccination was widely adopted, which kept the severe form of smallpox going and lead to many disastrous outbreaks.
“The regression of infectious diseases started over 200 years ago, which means long before the introduction of vaccination, and it was due to the improved social conditions of the population: nutrition and hygiene. Contrary to general belief, the vaccinations have had a negative influence on the decrease of the infective maladies and mortality. Statistics started off at a period when the infectious diseases were already on the downgrade. Careful studies over a period of many years have revealed that each introduction of a mass vaccination has obtained only one result:the immediate recrudescence of the malady that the vaccine should have prevented, but which has solicited instead . The temporary but immediate isolation of infected patients has each time proved sufficient to prevent an epidemic…Vaccines don’t protect. but do harm. A scientific proof of their usefulness has never existed, whereas the severe, sometimes fatal, damages they cause are a proven fact.”—Dr. Buchwald MD in CIVIS Newsletter by Hans Ruesch, No 8, p3. (See many more similar quotes at this link)
In fact, many keen observers commented that it may have been because of how OBVIOUS it had become that the smallpox vaccines were spreading smallpox (and many other diseases, see below), that motivated the WHO “eradication campaign” so as to cease the vaccination but credit it for the eradication!
Let’s take a look at just a few countries:
- In the UK:
Dr. Charles T. Pearce, M.D. (1868)12: “History, however, has demonstrated that towards the close of the last century, when Jenner introduced his system, small-pox had gradually died out, as we shall presently show. Even in Jenner’s day small-pox had lost its virulence…” He then went on to cite Jenner’s own writing describing the extremely mild character of the 1791 outbreak, in which hardly anyone died. More on this observation later.
In the UK, following the disastrous smallpox epidemic of 1871-1873, a Royal Commission sat for seven years gathering evidence which ultimately led to the repeal of UK’s compulsory vaccination law. They found that smallpox epidemics “increased dramatically after 1854 — the year the compulsory vaccination law went into effect… and from 1871-1873 all of Europe was swept by the worst smallpox epidemic in recorded history. In England and Wales alone, 44,840 people died of smallpox at a time when, according to official estimates, 97 percent of the population had been vaccinated. It was also noted how the smallpox vaccine contributed to the spread of syphilis…” — June 2000 Idaho Observer
“Within my long lifetime, its ruthless enforcement throughout Europe ended in two of the worst epidemics of smallpox in record, our former more dreaded typhus and cholera epidemics having meanwhile been ended by sanitation. After that failure, the credit of vaccination was saved for a while by the introduction of isolation, which at once produced improved figures…”—George Bernard Shaw(August 9, 1944, the Irish Times)
Dr. W. Scott Tebb M.D., in his 1898 book A Century of Vaccination and What it Teaches28, Chapter 2, cited the (UK’s) National Vaccine Board annual reports for 1821 and 1825, in both reports it was remarked how rare it was in those days to see a young person with a pock-marked face from smallpox, claiming that’s the most powerful evidence that vaccination works – even though at that point, only a very tiny portion of the population of young people had been vaccinated. Then, Dr. Tebb cited The Lancetpublished half a century later, in 1872, June 29 (vol. i., p. 907), which lamented “the growing frequency with which we meet persons in the street disfigured for life with the pitting of small-pox…” This was nearly two decades after the compulsory vaccination law came into effect!
In Chapter 3 of the same book, Dr. W. Scott Tebb compared the various conditions between the 18th and the 19th century in the UK, and how these explain the general decline in smallpox in the 19th as compared to the 18th century, which vaccine proponents had claimed to be due to the vaccination invented in 1796.
In short, here’re the explanations:
- Variola (smallpox virus) inoculation was introduced into the UK in 1721. After some disastrous results, it was revived about 1740, and in 1754 was authoritatively sanctioned by the Royal College of Physicians. (In reality, “This system of inoculation spread the disease far and wide, with disastrous results, and accounts for the high death-rate from that disease during the eighteenth century”, because there was no attempt to isolate those who were inoculated. See a booklet citing the Final Report of the Royal Commission on Vaccination, UK. It ended up being prohibited by decree in Paris in 1763, due to the recognition that it was spreading smallpox and causing epidemics. In the UK, it was prohibited in 1840 for the same reason, but the practice was already waning by the end of the 18th century, and later replaced by vaccination in the 19thcentury.) Thus, smallpox inoculation was a big contributor to the high smallpox deathrates of the 18th century, even higher than the figure that Tebb had available for a period in the 17th century for London (though more complete data would have been desirable).
- Tebb explained, in graphic detail, the utterly deplorable overcrowded and revolting living conditions of the poor in UK cities and larger towns due to industrialization of the 18thcentury, and the equally (or more) horrific conditions in 18th century prisons in the UK. In both places smallpox took its largest tolls. He showed how the improvements in sanitation and open space after 1781 resulted in corresponding reductions in smallpox (and other infectious diseases), and how, during the 19th century, the continued and dramatic improvements of sanitation, of removing burial grounds from inside populous cities, of adding all the city parks and open spaces into cities, were the biggest reasons why smallpox declined compared to the precious century.
- He explained the effect of the Window Tax (a form of property tax) that was levied in the 18th century in the UK (and France), which resulted in many already overcrowded living spaces becoming completely windowless and without access to open air, as poor tenants blocked their windows to avoid paying the tax.
- He explained how the years of bad harvest, and generally, “periods of scarcity and want”, saw higher smallpox mortality, as we would expect. In particular, a bad harvest in 1794 saw raised wheat prices continuously for 2 years, resulting in the highest smallpox deaths for London in 1796, the year Jenner introduced vaccination.
- During almost the whole of the 18th century Europe was one huge battle-ground. War was intimately associated with overcrowding, insanitation, existential stress (that lowers immunity), and poorer nutrition. Civil wars, and prolonged sieges are particularly conducive to spreading diseases.
- In Germany:
Similar to the UK, smallpox in Germany also seemed to be on its way out, becoming much less common, and in less dangerous forms, BEFORE Jenner’s vaccination was generally introduced. See quotes from Chr. Charles Schieferdecker M.D., in his introduction to his 1856 translation of Dr. C.G.G. Nittinger’s book, Evils of Vaccination29, such as the follows:
‘(A)lthough on the 28th of May, 1799, the first child got vaccinated in Germany, the system was not generally introduced before 1820; and long before this year the historical small-pox had disappeared! Without waiting for medical experiments and government ordinances, the disease changed its terrible character into a better one, and showed itself only sporadically.’
This change in character into a milder disease is an interesting observation, both in the UK and in Germany. Besides relatively improved nutrition & sanitation, which improved overall health and hence the ability to deal with infections, I wonder if Variola minor, the much less severe strain of smallpox, may have already been making its appearance in the UK and Germany, being brought in from west Africa or the Americas. If so, it would mean that it was the subsequent widespread vaccination, using vaccinia virus passed through god-knows-how-many-bodies, as well as some continued practice of inoculation with Variola major, that kept the severe form of this disease going, until late 19thcentury, when smallpox vaccination rates dropped significantly in these countries, that Variola minor finally took over. And with improved sanitation and nutrition, overall incidence of smallpox finally dropped precipitously to near zero.
- In Japan:
“JAPAN started compulsory vaccination against smallpox in 1872 and continued it for many years with disastrous results. Smallpoxsteadily increasedeach year and in 1892 their records showed 165,774 cases with 29,979 deaths – ALL VACCINATED. During the same time period Australia had no compulsory vaccination laws. The records showed only three deaths from smallpox over 15 years.” — June 2000 Idaho Observer
- In British India:
The Blue-Books of “Sanitary Measures in India” state the total vaccinations during the years 1886-89 inclusive as follows
1886-87, 5,265,024
1887-88, 5,552,710
1888-89, 6,099,733
1889-90, 6,161,407
The statistical abstract relating to British India gives the smallpox mortality during the same period, viz. :—
1886, 51,112
1887, 65,757
1888, 138,509
1889, 125,453
(Source: William Tebb (1893) LEPROSY AND VACCINATION30, Appendix.
Through most of the history of smallpox vaccination, the vaccines were produced by different suppliers, by infecting different animals (though most often, cows or calves were used) with vaccinia (that may have passed through many animals as well as humans), and harvesting their pustules. Arm-to-arm vaccination was also very common (in which case, the original source virus was usually believed to be vaccinia, but which had been passed on from person to person).
By the latter part of the 19th century, it was a widely acknowledged fact that smallpox vaccination was responsible for the dramatic increase of inoculable diseases such as syphilis, leprosy, tuberculosis (yes, TB is inoculable, more below), erysipelas, aggressive cancers, and many other horrible diseases previously rare even in their endemic regions. It was reluctantly admitted even in medical journals like the Lancet, and by government health officers. By then, how many millions had already suffered these hideous diseases through the vaccine?
Today such facts are covered up, and we’re told instead the lie of how smallpox vaccine saved the world from the scourge of smallpox.
The subsequent dramatic decrease or virtual disappearance of these inoculable diseases as smallpox vaccination rate decreased, without ever introducing a vaccine for them, or way before a vaccine was introduced, testifies to the fact that their rampant spread during the 19th century, coinciding with compulsive smallpox vaccination, (and even as sanitation was widely improving), was in fact caused by the vaccination!
This page has resources on the link between many of these diseases and smallpox vaccination – scroll down for many photos too.
“In December, 1880, fifty-eight young men joined the 4th Regiment of Zouaves, at Algiers. In compliance with the rules of the service, they were vaccinated by the military surgeons, and the whole 58, without exception, were infected, and physically ruined by inoculation with the most terrible of all diseases. The details were published in Le Petit Colon, of Algiers, and in the Paris Journal d ‘Hygiene for June 30th and August 25th, 1881, edited by Dr. DE PIETRA SANTA, a scientific gentleman, eminent alike for his ability and courage. This case was also briefly alluded to by the Paris Correspondent of the Daily News, and reproduced in the Vaccination Inquirer for August and October. The fullest details, however, appeared in La Science Libre, published at Nice, from the pen of an eyewitness, residing on the spot, Dr. P. A. DESJARDINS, after a careful medical examination of the unfortunate youths…” — [William Tebb, 1884. Compulsory Vaccination in England: With Incidental References to Foreign States31.]
[vid] Vaccine Developers, Heroes or Villains? presented by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
[Below: Graph D from 1912 book by J.T. BIGGS J.P.Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination7]
This graph shows, for England & Wales, that the temporal changes of death-rate from syphilis (small dark pyramids), as well as death-rate from nine inoculable diseases (including syphilis) (large pyramids, only 1/10th shown), per million births, both positively correlated with the percentage of vaccinations to births (red curve), while the death-pate from all other causes per million births (black dotted curve, only 1/10th shown) showed a completely unrelated (and steadily decreasing) pattern. For detailed numbers and vaccination law stringency at each time period shown, see Table 35, 54-56, at the above link.
During the 31 years when compulsory vaccination was most strictly enforced, there were nearly 80,000 deaths from nine inoculable disease per million births, or nearly 8% of births! This death rate dropped quickly to around 5.4%, when the vaccination law was relaxed to allow exemptions. Note that one of the nine inoculable diseases was “skin diseases”, which was one of the favorite names doctors at the time used to hide smallpox deaths itself, of those who had been vaccinated, as discussed in Section 5 above.
Here’s a page on that has much more evidence on the undeniable link between vaccination and the spread of syphilis in the 19th century.
[Below again from 1912 book by J.T. BIGGS J.P.]
An experiment described in the “Medical Times and Gazette,” of 3rd September, 1881, demonstrated that smallpox vaccines prepared on a tuberculous cow, is capable of spreading TB:
“M. Toussaint vaccinated a cow in an advanced stage of tuberculosis with lymph absolutely pure. The vesicles progressed normally, and with the lymph obtained from them he vaccinated different animals, all of whom subsequently became tuberculous. The significance of these experiments can scarcely be overrated.”
The same publication, in its 1st January, 1854 issue, stated that consumption (i.e., tuberculosis) “has widely spread since the introduction of vaccination, and within ten years (ending 1853), had slain its 68,204 victims in the metropolis alone.”
Dr. Perron, Officier de la Legion d’Honneur, and a pro-vaccinator, published an article in 1890, in the “Gazette Hebdomadaire des Sciences Medicales”, in which he wrote: “Tuberculosis has, in fact, a special predilection for the bovine race which yields us our vaccine. There are few of these animals that escape its attacks; the calf, the heifer, sometimes bear traces of it but a few weeks after their birth.” “The cow, as we have said, is the tuberculous animal par excellence.”
“There was a time when this malady existed only as an exceptional thing”, he noted, and that it had increased, “pari passu”, with the practice of vaccination, despite “incessant progress in public and private hygiene”. It was also striking the young by preference, who should be more resistant to this malady previously known for striking the old, originating in exhaustion and loss of vitality. He reasoned it was because the young were more recently vaccinated.
‘The extraordinary growth of consumption in Japan, where, with increasing vaccination and revaccination, the death-rate from pulmonary tuberculosis has increased more than 50 per cent, from 1886 to 1909; whilst on the other hand, with declining vaccination, the death-rate from the same cause has gone down in inverse ratio both in England and Switzerland, is a striking confirmation of the argument of Dr. Perron. (See Registrar-General’s Seventy-Third Annual Report, 1910, Table LXXIX., also the International Tables, pages 112-141.)’
The big lie is that leprosy is contagious (in the ordinary sense of the word), therefore the indescribable suffering of the countless victims during the 19th century in the colonies of western powers, was their own misfortune, perhaps even due to their filth. This is the cruellest lie.
In his 1893 book, LEPROSY AND VACCINATION: The Recrudescence of Leprosy and its Causation30, William Tebb (father of Dr. W. Scott Tebb cited earlier) investigated the cause of the alarmingly rapid increase of leprosy worldwide in the 19th century, particularly in colonies of western powers, where leprosy was endemic.
He travelled extensively around the world visiting numerous leprosy hospitals and asylums. In his book, he provide vast numbers of examples and testimonies, where doctors, caretakers, and governors everywhere, overwhelmingly convinced him that leprosy was not contagious in the ordinary sense of the word, i.e., not spread through physical contact, or through the air, even among very close contacts such as household members and long-time caretakers. It’s not even passed from mothers to their unborn children, nor through sexual contact.
‘Dr. Max Sandreczi, director of the Hospital for Children, Jerusalem, says :—” I am obliged to declar that the result of my researches gives me the conviction that leprosy is by no means contagious, and that consequently the exclusion and isolation of the patients is both a useless and a cruel measure.”—Lancet Aug. 31, 1889, pg 423.’
‘WHILE the preponderance of medical and scientific opinion is against the theory that leprosy is, in the ordinary sense of the word, a contagious disease, the evidence in favour of its being communicable by inoculation is overwhelming.’
‘In all the French colonies (smallpox) vaccination has been prosecuted with rigour, and has been followed by the increase of leprosy, just as in England the increase of infantile syphilis is due to arm-to-arm vaccination, as shown by the Minutes of Evidence with the third report of the Royal Commission onVaccination. The barbarous therapeutics, the tattooing and burning, have existed among the natives from time immemorial. Vaccination has been but recently introduced.’
Tebb was also told multiple cases of accidental transmission through broken skin coming into contact with pus from an infected person, e.g., a prick by a contaminated sowing needle, or a cut by a contaminated knife.
(At the Paris Dermatological Congress of 1889), ‘Dr. Zambaco-Pacha … records the curious fact that, of about 120,000 souls in Mitylene, 15,000 are Mussulmans [Muslims], and amongst these there is not a single leper to his knowledge. Dr. Zambaco omits to note the fact that Mussulmans in most countries have a rooted aversion to, and distrust in, vaccination, and escape the ordeal whenever they can.*’
In a highly unethical human experiment to demonstrate the inoculability of leprosy, ‘(A condemned convict at Honolulu) Keanu was inoculated with leprosy by Dr. Edward Arningon the 30th September, 1884, and again in November, 1885, after previously making a most searching inquiry as to any leprous taint in his family, and a dose examination of his own body. This examination satisfied Dr. Arning that no trace of the disease could be found in him. Every precaution was taken to secure his isolation from contaminating surroundings, and means were adopted to ensure that he was not employed outside the prison walls. On the 2nd September, 1888’, he was certified fully infected, as a tubercular leper.
‘…it must not be forgotten that the lepra disease was first discernible (on the prisoner Keanu) at the points of inoculation. Nor can they be considered remarkable, knowing how the disease had been propagated by the vaccination lancet. In one instance reported to Queen Liliuokokalani,AN ENTIRE SCHOOL IN HAWAII WAS SWEPT AWAY, with the exception of a single survivor, by this means. However, the case for inoculation does not rest upon Dr. Arning’s experiment, but on the un impeachable evidence of numerous reputable witnesses in all parts of the world, and on the fact admitted by pathologists that, given suitable conditions, all bacterial diseases are inoculable.’
‘In all countries where leprosy is endemic, Europeans resolutely object to be vaccinated with lymph from native sources; and, notwithstanding the law, when imported lymph cannot be obtained they and their children remain unvaccinated. As a consequence, the population of Europeans attacked with leprosy is comparatively small and, indeed, of rare occurrence, except in the case of soldiers who are subject to the military regulation of revaccination.’
‘The law enforcing vaccination in British India, which are unparalleled for their severity, were passed without the consent and against the wishes of the people, whose objection to vaccination arises from a knowledge often gained by sad and bitter experience. They know that the fearful spread of leprosy in India and other countries is coincident with and, as they believe, due to the extension of vaccination, and they prefer to face the seventies of the law, with its ruinous judicial penalties, or even to risk the dangers of the jungle, where they are sometimes compelled to seek refuge for their little ones, to the risks of this hideous and destructive scourge. That leprosy, confessed to be incurable, is inoculated by vaccination (a fact once vehemently denied) is now reluctantly admitted by the leading dermatologists of all countries, and by the most experienced chiefs of the leper asylums and public health departments in the West Indies, in South America, South Africa, and in the Sandwich Islands’
Sepsis, a highly life-threatening infection, could also result from smallpox vaccinations.
Higgins (1920)8 cited one of the strongest pro-vaccination works then published,”Acute Contagious Diseases,” by Drs. Welch and Schamberg, Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, 1905, in which the following serious admission is made:”Several appalling epidemics of septicemia after vaccination are on record; one occurred in the United States, one in Germany, and one in France.”
“In December, 1891, when in Launceston, Tasmania, I learnt that from 200 to 300 children and adults had been afflicted with ulcerative swellings and acute septicaemia, caused through animal vaccination in 1887”. — William Tebb (1893)30
Tetanus was another life-threatening infection that sometimes resulted from smallpox vaccinations.
Higgins (1920)8 again cited the strong pro-vaccination workof Drs. Welch and Schamberg: “In October, November, and December, 1901, there was a small epidemic of tetanus after vaccination in Camden, Philadelphia, and to a certain extent in near-by towns… Camden had eleven cases, and Philadelphia even more than this number.”
Higgins went on to cite Dr. Francis, in Bulletin No. 95, U. S. Hygienic Laboratory, August, 1914, in explaining how tetanus infection can be caused by smallpox vaccination in multiple ways: the tetanus spores were present in some vaccine batches; or present in the environment including the person of the vaccinator or the vaccinated, the soil, dust, etc., or introduced later into the vaccination wound by chance scratching, abrasion or absorption, and finally, “the lockjaw germ may already exist within the body when the vaccination is performed, and is known to frequently exist as a natural tenant or denizen of the healthy human body, in nearly one-quarter of the human race! This is also the case with several other disease germs.” Such dormant presence is perfectly harmless, until being activated, such as the presence of a suppurating vaccination sore.
‘Dr. M. J. Rosenau, one of the best authorities in the country on vaccine virus, in his recent work “Preventive Medicine and Hygiene” (1914), says on pages 6 and 7: “Vaccine Virus always contains bacteria. There is no such thing as aseptic virus. . . . Staphylococci, streptococci, members of the hemorrhagic septicemic group, and, in a few instances, tetanus spores and the gas(-trointestinal?) bacillus have been found in vaccine virus.”’
The following info are summarized from J.T. Biggs (1912)7, Part 12, and William Tebb (1893)30:
The German Commissioners appointed to investigate the disaster in Rugen (Germany), where 320 persons were infected with a “loathsome eruptive skin disease” (Impetigo Contagiosa) by vaccination (using “calf lymph” from the German government program), thought that the cause ‘”was not the vaccine merely, and that it was not the thymol; then they fall backupon the GLYCERINE as being possiblythe cause of it”(though the glycerine is expressly stated to have been the purest).–Summary by Lord Herschell, Royal Commission, No. 9,813.’
But of course, glycerine itself did NOT cause the contagious disease, and in fact it remained the key ingredient in smallpox vaccines in the 20th century, as a diluent and preservative (which supposedly killed some of the bacteria contained in the animal pus – but see Dr. Klein’s experiments described in chapter 101 of the above book, that proved at least some bacteria in the pus remained alive & well after storage in glycerine, such as the bacteria that causes erysipelas). What caused the Rugen disaster was most certainly the vaccine itself!
The 1918-19 “Spanish flu” did not start in Spain, but rather in a US army camp in Kansas in 1918, and in fact as early as 1916-17 (during WWI), a very similar mysterious illness was already recorded among British troops encamped in France, and among German troops too! The army doctors had trouble deciding whether to call it influenza or typhoid fever39. After the great “pandemic”, these same army doctors had no doubt that it’s the same disease they observed 2 years prior. It had mixed symptoms of the multiple vaccines all soldiers on all sides were compulsively vaccinated and re-vaccinated with!
Near the end of WWI in 1918, huge propaganda campaignswere launched on civilian populations around the world, urging them to receive all the vaccines available at that time, all at once, to protect themselves from the many terrible diseases said to be brought home by returning soldiers. Many people did as they were told.
‘From the rapidity, severity, and mortality of this disease[refering to the 1918-19 “Spanish flu”], it would seem not to be a true influenza, as heretofore known, and as its worst cases are characterized by a rapid and fatal ending, with a few days’ sickness, in malignant or septic pneumonia,with abscesses in the lungs, it seems more related to the very fatal “Pneumonic Plague‘ which raged in Manchuria after the Japanese war. This suspicion is strengthened by the fact that the chief germ found in the fatal cases is the “streptococcus,” which is found in the worst forms of “blood poisoning” or “septicemia,” and also in vaccination . Now, the act of ordinary vaccination, as already proved, is, in itself, an act of blood poisoning, pure and simple, and it is so classed in medical and statistical works as a form of “septicemia,” and one disease germ commonly found, with many others, in vaccine virus is the streptococcus, which is the chief germ found in all bad pus infections and abscess formations.’ — Higgins, C.M. (1920) HORRORS OF VACCINATION EXPOSED AND ILLUSTRATED 8
Consistent with the above hypothesis, a 2008 study32 in which Anthony Fauci was the senior author, looked at autopsy results of many thousands of the “Spanish flu” victims, and concluded that the vast majority of deaths were due to bacterial pneumonia from secondary bacterial infection, and involved many types of bacterial culprits. (Influenza virus, on the other hand, was isolated and analyzed from just a handful of the autopsied samples, mostly by one research group. That it was the cause of the primary infection of that pandemic was probably mostly assumed. At the time of the pandemic, viruses were not yet discovered, and the word “influenza” or “flu” did not denote a viral infection as opposed to, say, a cold.)
Most interestingly, Fauci’s paper discussed the measles epidemics in 1917–1918“in US Army training camps, in which most deaths resulted from streptococcal pneumonia or, less commonly, pneumococcal pneumonia [20, 30, 32]. The pneumonia deaths during the influenza pandemic in 1918 proved so highly similar, pathologically, to the then-recent pneumonia deaths from the measles epidemics that noted experts considered them to be the result of one newly emerging disease: epidemic bacterial pneumonia precipitated by prevalent respiratory tract agents [20, 33, 63].”
In other words, the so-called “measles epidemics” among the new recruits were clinically almost identical to the “Spanish flu” pandemic a season later!
Fauci’s paper went on to cite many studies that concluded that influenza virus or bacterial infection alone tends to generate little fatality, but the combination can be much more severe. Still, they wrote that “(t)he extraordinary severity of the 1918 pandemic remains unexplained.”
Well, it seems that a reasonable explanation was offered by Higgins (and others) 89 years prior, but the establishment scientists simply would not even consider the possibility, that it was the combination of all the vaccines all at once, with the pus-derived smallpox vaccines full of bacterial pathogens being perhaps the most dangerous, that together proved too aggressive of an assault on the immune systems of many people. Whether influenza virus caused the initial infection in the victims may even have been of secondary significance.
The victims’ chances of survival were further dramatically diminished, due to the insanely high dose regimens of ASPIRIN, advertised & officially recommended “just before the October death spike”, as discovered by a 2009 research paper33 in Clinical Infectious Diseases, which concluded that “a significant proportion of the deaths may be attributable to aspirin”, due to pulmonary edema that it can induce in high doses.
Another thing, according to Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D., who was an on-the-spot observer of the 1918 pandemic, in her book 1977 book, Swine Flu Expose, chapter 234, the “Spanish flu” displayed combined symptoms of all the various diseases people were vaccinated for all at once:
“There was the high fever, extreme weakness, abdominal rash and intestinal disturbance characteristic of typhoid. The diphtheria vaccine caused lung congestion, chills and fever, swollen, sore throat clogged with the false membrane, and the choking suffocation because of difficulty in breathing followed by gasping and death, after which the body turned black from stagnant blood that had been deprived of oxygen in the suffocation stages. In early days they called it Black Death. The other vaccines cause their own reactions — paralysis, brain damage, lockjaw, etc.”
Several other books also mention the multiplicity of symptoms, including profuse bleeding from nose and mouth, many organs affected (unlike a normal flu), etc, etc.
The topic of multiple simultaneous vaccinations causing the “Spanish Flu” is worth another article all on its own.
You can find many quotes and links to detailed observations by reputed doctors and medical officers living in the smallpox eras, describing how difficult in fact it was, for a healthy person to catch smallpox, even when sleeping in the same bed as the patient:
“Smallpox is considered one of the most virulent of contagious diseases, and it is generally believed that persons exposed are almost invariably attacked, unless protected by vaccination. This is one of the most stupendous exaggerations to be found in medical literature. My experience has been that very few people take it when exposed to it.” — J. H. Tilden, M. D. (1940)35
In fact, even the WHO, in its “definitive history” on smallpox and its eradication, stated on p.190, “Although infection was sometimes associated with handling inanimate objects (fomites) and, rarely, seemed to be airborne over a considerable distance (see below), the vast majority of cases of smallpox could be traced to face-to-face contact of a susceptible person with a patient with OVERT disease, usually during the 1st week of rash. However, careful laboratory studies by Sarkar et al. (l 973b, 1974) showed that about 10% of household contacts of cases of smallpox harboured detectable amounts of variola virus in their oropharyngeal secretions. Only about 10% of such carriers subsequently developed smallpox.” — Fenner, F. et al(1988)5
In other words, according to the WHO itself, only 10% of 10%, i.e., only 1% of CLOSE HOUSEHOLD CONTACTS of “patient with an overt smallpox rash” developed smallpox! It was definitely the isolation and containment (with the accompanying sanitation) that lead to the eradication.
So, vaccination was absolutely unnecessary, even if it had been effective and not harmful, which the sections above showed to be the opposite.
Monkeypox virus, another member of the orthopox family that also includes variola (smallpox), cowpox, vaccinia etc., was first identified in 1958 among laboratory monkeys. Reservoirs for the virus include many rodents.
A 2004 BBC article36 stated that human infection of monkeypox was first recorded in 1970 AFTER THE ERADICATION of smallpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They called it “human monkeypox”.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries MD, in her 2012 article Herd Immunity: Flawed Science and Mass Vaccination Failures37, wrote:
“When [monkeypox]infection in human beings does occur, it can be clinically indistinguishable from smallpox, chickenpox, and other causes of a vesiculopustular rash.” — Lancet Review. Jan 2004. Monkeypox. vol 4. pp 21-25.
‘Animal challenge tests were historically used to determine the difference between monkeypox and smallpox. The technique involved inoculating rabbits and watching the characteristics of the pox. Initially the two kinds of pox appear similar in the rabbit, but after a few days, monkeypox distinguishes itself as it becomes hemorrhagic…
‘The problem with such means for distinction is that there has always been a hemorrhagic form of smallpox…’
‘When vaccination stopped, monkeypox was suddenly diagnosed in humans. Diagnostic methods were absent during the great vaccine campaigns and everything pox-like was considered smallpox and counted as smallpox. Differentiating was not a priority.’
DNA sequencing can differentiate monkeypox virus from smallpox and other pox viruses, but it wasn’t done before smallpox eradication.
In other words, monkeypox may well have been with us all along, but were counted as “smallpox” prior to the eradication, since monkeypox, cowpox, vaccinia infections etc. are all clinically indistinguishable (despite the pro-vaccine propaganda claiming that vaccinia infection or cowpox infection in humans are less severe).
It’s only after the “eradication”, that pox-like diseases are called monkeypox, cowpox, etc.
Let’s hope it’s at least true that smallpox (variola), is indeed gone!
Just out of curiosity, I checked sequence identities among Variola major (severe form of smallpox), Variola minor (milder form of smallpox), cowpox, vaccinia, and monkeypox viruses, using the BLAST sequence analysis tool at
With a quick (and very simplistic) comparison, the two forms of variola are closest to each other (99.61% over 99% of the length), as expected. They are each over 97% identical to each of the other 3 poxviruses, and those 3 are also over 97% identical to each other. The highest identity among those 3, is between monkeypox and cowpox (97.90% over 99% of the length). Details as follows:
Variola major (L22579.1) vs. Variola minor (Y16780.1), identity: 99.61% (covering 99% of the L22579.1 sequence);
Variola major (L22579.1) vs. closest Cowpox strain (MK035757.1), identity: 97.86% (covering 99% of the L22579.1 sequence);
Variola major (L22579.1) vs. closest Vaccinia strain (MH341447.1), identity: 97.09% (covering 92% of the L22579.1 sequence);
Variola minor (Y16780.1) vs. closest Monkeypox strain (KJ642613.1), identity: 97.03% (covering 94% of the Y16780.1 sequence);
Variola major (L22579.1) vs. Monkeypox strain (KJ642613.1), identity: 97.04% (covering 95% of the L22579.1 sequence);
Vaccinia strain (MH341447.1) vs. Cowpox strain (MK035757.1), identity: 97.60% (covering 97% of the MH341447.1 sequence);
Vaccinia strain (MH341447.1) vs. Monkeypox strain (KJ642613.1), identity: 97.59% (covering 91% of the MH341447.1 sequence);
Vaccinia strain (MH341447.1) vs. Variola minor (Y16780.1), identity: 97.15% (covering 91% of the MH341447.1 sequence);
Vaccinia strain (MH341447.1) vs. Variola major (L22579.1), identity: 97.09% (covering 91% of the MH341447.1 sequence);
Monkeypox strain (KJ642613.1) vs. Cowpox strain (MK035757.1), identity: 97.90% (covering 99% of the KJ642613.1 sequence).
Smallpox vaccines may have been particularly grotesque, but it’s becoming more & more clear now, that ALL INJECTED VACCINES are based on faulty science and erroneous understanding of the extremely complex human immune system, according to current knowledge. It represents an unnatural invasion route, and causes disruption of the body’s natural immune development that has protected us for eons.
Here’re a few passages from a 2008 article38 by Dr. Harold E. Buttram, MD that explains this:
‘Prior to the introduction of vaccines, the Th1 cellular immune system of the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems served as the primary defense systems with the Th2 humoral immune system in the bone marrow, serving a secondary role.’
‘There is a school of thought that the “minor childhood diseases” of earlier times, including measles, mumps, chicken pox, and rubella, which involved the epithelial tissues of skin, respiratory, and/or gastrointestinal tracts, served a necessary purpose in challenging, strengthening, and establishing the dominance of Th1 cellular immune system during early childhood. Current vaccines against these diseases, in contrast, being directed at stimulating antibody production in the bone marrow, are bypassing the cellular immune system and thereby tending to reverse the roles of the cellular and humoral systems, with the former suffering from a lack of challenge…’
‘The irony of this is that the TH1 (cellular) immune system isinherently far more effective in dealing with viral infections than the TH2 humoral system [57], with the T-helper lymphocytes of the mucous membranes quickly switching to the TH1 phase, allowing the lymphocytes to secrete a group of cytokines that kill viruses and bacteria. This undoubtedly is the reason that vaccine-induced immunities to measles, mumps, chicken pox, and rubella are transient, requiring repeated vaccines, while immunity conferred by the cellular immune system before vaccines was almost always permanent.’
‘… In addition, the cellular immune system is being further compromised… by the powerfully suppressive effects of the MMR vaccine [44-46] and other viral vaccines.’
‘… viruses are inherently immunosuppressive, in contrast to bacterial infections which stimulate the immune system, as reflected in the fact that viral infections generally lower white blood counts in contrast to bacterial infections, which raise white counts…’
‘F. Imani and K. Kehoe found a previously unrecognized side effect by incubating the MMR vaccine with a line of human plasma cells, which resulted in increase in the expression of allergy-related IgE antibodies, and secondarily a decrease in protective IgG antibodies. Based on these findings, the authors concluded that viral vaccines may be playing a role in the increasing incidence of asthma and other allergic diseases…’
Dr. Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. also wrote about this.
Quick guide to the smallpox vaccine racket:
Main page on the smallpox racket, and index:
In depth exposure:
- Wright , PF et al ( 1991 ), N Engl J Med; 325: 1774-1779
- Perisic A, Bauch CT (2009) PLoS Comput Biol 5(2): e1000280.
- Donald A. Henderson (1980) A Victory for All Mankind
- Epstein, GV et al (1936), Gior. batt. and immunol. 17: 475-483
- Fenner, F. et al (1988), Smallpox and Its Eradication, World Health Organization.
- US Center for Disease Control & Prevention, Smallpox. Retrieved Mar 6, 2010.
- J.T. Biggs (1912), Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination
- International Anti-Vaccination League resolution against vaccination 1880
- M. BEDDOW BAYLY M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. [1936 Pamphlet] The Case AGAINST Vaccination
- Lilly Loat (1951), The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization
- Charles T. Pearce, M.D. (1868) Essay on Vaccination
- Alfred R. Wallace (1898) Vaccination A Delusion, Its Penal Enforcement a Crime, PROVED BY THE OFFICIAL EVIDENCE IN THE REPORTS OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION
- Walter Hadwen M.D. The Case Against Vaccination —an address at Gloucesteron Saturday, January 25th, 1896, during the Gloucester Smallpox Epidemic
- Editorial, The Lancet, vol. 353, no. 9164, May 8, 1999.
- L.A. Parry (1928) British Medical Journal (21/1/1928 p116)
- Kalokerinos & Dettman (1977) Second Thoughts on Disease
- 1921 booklet by the THE NATIONAL ANTI-VACCINATION LEAGUE. Vaccination and the State.
- Keki R. Sidhwa N.D., D.O., D.N.H. (1965) from Heath for All, “The Scare Diseases , May 1965
- William Tebb (1881) Sanitation, Not Vaccination, the True Protection against Small-Pox
- Henry Lindlahr, M.D. (1922) Chapter 16 of Nature Cure: Philosophy & Practice Based on the Unity of Disease & Cure
- Russell Thacker Trall M.D. (1855), New York, Hydropathic Encyclopediap96
- Charles A. R. Campbell M.D., Résumé of Experiments on Variola, a report to the Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Archie Kalokerinos M.D. (2000) Medical Pioneer of the 20th century, p175 ISBN 0646408526
- Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. (1977) Swine Flu Expose, chapter 5: FALSIFIED DEATH CERTIFICATES AND MEDICAL RECORDS
- US Center for Disease Control & Prevention, Smallpox Fact Sheet. Retrieved Mar 15, 2003
- George Bernard Shaw, August 9, 1944, the Irish Times
- W. Scott Tebb M.D. (1898) A Century of Vaccination and What it Teaches. Chapter 2, Chapter 3.
- Chr. Charles Schieferdecker M.D. (1856) translation of Dr. C.G.G. Nittinger’s book, Evils of Vaccination.
- William Tebb (1884) Compulsory Vaccination in England: With Incidental References to Foreign States.
- David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, and Anthony S. Fauci (2008) Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness. J Infect Dis. 2008 Oct 1; 198(7): 962–970. doi: 10.1086/591708
- Karen M. Starko (2009) Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 49, Issue 9, 15 November 2009, Pages 1405-1410,
- Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. (1977) Swine Flu Expose, Chapter 2: THE SPANISH INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC OF 1918 WAS CAUSED BY VACCINATIONS
- J. H. Tilden, M. D. (1940) Impaired Health: Its Cause and Cure (Vol2), A Repudiation of the Conventional Treatment of Disease. 2nd edition.
- BBC, Jan 9, 2004. New warning over monkeypox threat
- Suzanne Humphries MD (2012) Herd Immunity: Flawed Science and Mass Vaccination Failures
- Harold E. Buttram, MD, Current childhood vaccine programs: An overview with emphasis on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and of its compromising of the mucosal immune system. Medical Veritas 5 (2008) 1820-1827
- Michael Worobey et al, The origins of the great pandemic. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, Volume 2019, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 18–25,
Maggie Zhou received her PhD from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1997, and worked as a computational biologist for a number of years. She is currently an independent seeker of truth.