HARD PROOF: COVID-19 Surges and Outbreaks Nationwide Caused by High Covid Vaccination Rates

The three most populated counties
in Florida, which have the highest
Covid vaccination rates, are driving
the state’s rapidly increasing rates
of COVID-19 infections.  In other
words, the Covid shots are now
the direct cause for the various
surges nationwide as well as the
isolated coronavirus outbreaks.

State of the Nation

Because the Florida governor has jumped right on board the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, the state has seen massive outbreaks of Covid and similar flu-like illnesses.

The same is true for every state that has aggressively promoted the highly experimental COVID-19 vaccines.  After all, the injections have been proven conclusively to be both deadly as well as quite harmful to human health for those who are not killed by them.

There is now indisputable evidence that proves those FL counties with the highest vaccination rates also have the highest COVID-19 infection rates.

That’s no coincidence since the Covid vaccines are well-known in the virology and epidemiology communities to cause the different Covid variant outbreaks.  As follows:

Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’

For example, the recent surge in Florida is mostly attributed to those BLUE counties where the Democratic leadership fearmongered a majority of residents into taking the extremely dangerous and often fatal vaccines.

The following graphics show the official CDC data indicating that 61.46% of Miami-Dade County’s residents were Covid-vaccinated. And, that 52.97% of Broward County’s residents took the same jab.  The last screenshot shows that 52.51% of Palm Beach County have gotten the Covid shots.  All of these counties have been driving the summertime surge in Florida, as was predicted by many medical doctors and research scientists around the world.

As the preceding and following screenshots clearly illustrate, the three most populous counties in Florida are Miami-Dade and Broward Counties,  both of which account for the vast majority of new Covid cases, especially hospitalizations.

It’s important to note that South Florida never sees influenza cluster explosions like this in the middle of the summer, so the only explanation is the high Covid vaccination rates.

However, this analysis by no means precludes the distinct possibility that the NWO globalist cabal has released a new variation of the COVID-19 bioweapon.

Nonetheless, the so-called Covid breakthrough cases mushrooming statewide are directly attributed to the pervasive and aggressive Covid vaccination programs, particularly those implemented throughout Southeast Florida.

State of the Nation
August 5, 2021

UPDATE – 8/28/21

As seen in the graphic below, Sarasota County has the highest Covid vaccination rate in the state of Florida.  It also has the highest COVID-19 infection rate and mortality rate in the state.  Over 50% of those infected have been vaccinated, which provides yet another statistical proof that the extremely harmful Covid vaccines are driving summer Delta variant surge infections rates across the USA.

Florida COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker
