Solanine-Sensitive Individuals Must Also Avoid These Foods
While this is not good news for those who suffer from nightshade-related ailments and chronic degenerative diseases, it is crucial for them to know the facts. There are other foods which contain the powerful glycoalkaloid poison known as solanine. All foods found in the Solanaceae Family have been so categorized because of their high solanine content. Unfortunately for those who are ultra-sensitive to solanine and other toxic constituents found in nightshades, they really ought to refrain from eating them. Here’s why:
Nightshades … can produce your worst Nightmare!
For those who are intolerant, allergic or hyper-sensitive to solanine, they need to be aware that the following foods also contain varying amounts of this “natural insecticide”. Just because these particular plants do not belong to the Solanaceae Family and, therefore, are not nightshades, does not mean they are safe to eat for those adversely affected.
In fact the greater the sensitivity that a person has to solanine, the more important it is for them to abstain from eating the following foods. Particularly during periods of experiencing a sustained inflammatory response is strict abstention absolutely necessary, and critical, to the successful alleviation of the pain cycle.
• Blueberries
• Apples
• Cherries
• Sugar beets
• Huckleberries
• Okra
• Artichokes
(Solanine: Is It Linked to Inflammation and Other Conditions?)
The Health Coach has tested these various foods in the test tube of his own body, and there is NO QUESTION that their ingestion produced all the classic nightshade symptoms. Hence, for those who are profoundly sensitive to solanine toxicity, they ought to avoid these foods as strictly as the traditional nightshades. This is not necessarily a life sentence for those apple lovers or cherry eaters who suffer from this ailment; however, it is a mandatory prohibition during a flareup of Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Huntington’s disease, ALS, MS, IBD, and CFS. It is especially compulsory for those who suffer from either MCS (Multiple chemical sensitivities) or EI Syndrome (Environmental illness syndrome).
We have taken the liberty of posting below the entire article which refers to these other non-Nightshade foods which contain solanine. It also imparts additional information which is quite helpful for the beginner.
Solanine: Is It Linked to Inflammation and Other Conditions?
Solanine is found in the nightshade family of botanicals, which includes potatoes, tomatoes, paprika, eggplant, tobacco, and peppers. In fact, more than 92 varieties and 2000 species of nightshade exist.The following foods contain solanine, but are not a part of the nightshade family, including:
- Blueberries
- Apples
- Cherries
- Sugar beets
- Huckleberries
- Okra
- Artichokes
Some websites state that up to 33% of people with chronic inflammation may react to solanine. Some people state that solanine ingestion leads to joint pain, all forms of arthritis, joint inflammation, calcium deposits in the tissues of joints, and a disrupted thyroid. Other people point to solanine as a causative factor of osteoporosis, irritable bowel syndrome, appendicitis, birth defects including spina bifida, depression, and migraines.
Solanine poisoning
Solanine is a neurotoxin. Indeed, acute solanine poisoning (also known as Solanum tuberosum poisoning) can occur from eating large quantities of green or sprouted potatoes. To have a risk of developing solanine poisoning, you would need to eat about 4½ pounds (lb) of the potatoes sold in America in one sitting, or the average 200-lb person would need to eat 2 lb of green potatoes in one sitting. Still, you should throw away any potatoes with green eyes, greenish skin, or green sprouts. Cooking, frying, baking, freeze-drying, dehydrating, and microwaving do not destroy this glycoalkaloid.
Solanine poisoning is primarily displayed by gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. Symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, burning of the throat, headaches, and dizziness. Hallucinations, loss of sensation and paralysis, fever, jaundice, dilated pupils, and hypothermia are reported in more severe cases.
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