Ways to Remediate Electrohypersensitivity Syndrome

Management and treatment of ES


Please click on the links below to read our articles. If you are interested in research findings, click here for links to research reports.

For links to freefrom food products click here.

Click here for links to sites and organisations offering shielding and other devices to help mitigate the effects of electromagnetic radiation.

The pros and cons of earthing or ‘grounding’. André Fauteux of the MaisonSaine has been gathering opinions on earthing. January 2017

• Dr Andrew Tressider (MB BS MRCGP Cert Med Ed) is a member of the Board of ES-UK and an ES sufferer himself.
He has written an open letter to other doctors/medical practitioners about ES and its symptoms. You might like to print it out and show it to your GP whether he/she is sympathetic and understanding or not; if the former, they will be interested, if the latter it will give you some credibility! Click here for a pdf that you can print.

• The Dutch Knowledge Platform has just produced a comprehensive report on electrosensitivity, accompanied by more concise summary of the report that addresses physicians and health workers and advises them on how to deal with and help patients who claims that EMFs make them ill. 09/12

The Weston Price Foundation carries a good article in its winter magazine on Reducing the effects of EMR. January 2015

Ingested oxygen therapy. Michelle Berriedale-Johnson describes her own experiences with ingested oxygen in the management of ES. January 2015

Naturopath Dr Brian Clement believes that detoxifying the system of heavy metals and eating a diet of mainly raw and sprouted foods can eliminate electrosensitivity symptoms in 60% of sufferers and improve them in the remaining 40%. March 2012

Supplements and foods to help reduce DNA damage from electromagnetic radiation (including iodine, melatonin, Omega 3 fatty acids, sulfur, selenium and zinc) from Natural News. January 2013

‘Beating Electrical Sensitivity’ – New book offers solution for people suffering from exposure to Electromagnetic Fields by Lloyd Burrell. For three free sample chapters, click here.

Heavy metal toxicity raises your risk of electromagnetic sensitivity – article on the Dr Mercola site – 09/12

Dr Gary Johnson and the ElectroMagnetic Sensitivity Research Institute have set up a research centre and refuge in Colorado and is looking for researchers, medical people, support personnel, sensitives who would like to live in a low emf environment, and investors. 10/12

Are you allergic to your office? Allergy UK asks how many people may be allergic to the moulds and mites in their poorly ventilated offices; FoodsMatter asks how  many of them may also be affected by the electrosmog in those offices and in the surrounding environment? 09/12

A great list of 10 totally EMR places to stay around the UK from the Guardian. 08/12

Earthing may be a helpful way to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation but, if the earthing is not ‘true’, it can cause more problems than it solves. Blog post. 03/12

Useful article in Positive Health Online by Dr Diana Samways (see her article on Home treatment for Mould Allergy) on EMS and how to reduce one’s load. 02/12

Electrical hypersensitivity triggers and treatment. EMF expert Melody Chan Graves to give us an update on the latest research regarding electrohypersensitivity and what cutting edge environmental docs like Dr. Bill Rea of the Environmental Health Center in Dallas, TX are really seeing with their patients. 02/12

It may be possible to get an Access to Work grant towards shielding your home/car agisnt electrosmog if you are sensitive. Check here.

Very useful quick guide to sources of electromagnetic fields and radiation in everyday life and suggestions as to how they can be avoided from the Collaborative on Health and the Environment. 12/11

Bioresonance, allergies and electromagnestic sensitivity – some helpful reading. 01/12

Managing electrosensitivity  – could oxygen be an answer? Michelle Berriedale Johnson charts her progess in dealing with her electro-sensitivity (including a run down on ES, what it is and how to manage it) and describes the oxygen treatment which appears to have made a crucial difference.

A member of ES-UK has put together a really excellent, comprehensive directory of products and services that measurably reduce the amount of EMF exposure, or enable people to avoid places which have high EMF levels – no pendants or herbs… 04/10 Click here for a downloadable pdf.

Michael Bevington of ES-UK has written a 45 page booklet entitled: ‘ES and EHS – A Summary’. This book is an ideal way to present a well ordered summary of every scientific paper written about ES to friends, family, employers, doctors and medical practitioners, MPs, colleagues and neighbours. It also includes a detailed list of symptoms, existing diagnosis and treatment protocols, historic developments, etc. To reserve a copy please send a cheque or money order for £10 payable to ES-UK to: BM Box ES-UK, London WC1N 3XX, UK

Very useful article on the Planet Thrive website suggesting 12 ways that those with severe chemical or electricty sensitivity can keep warm. 02/10

Microwave technology: a twenty-first century Trojan horsean in depth investigation into microwave technology and its many hazards John Scott – 2008 – updated 2010

Pictures from the new EHS refuge zone in southern France – complete with Faraday cage caravans. It is planned to open in spring 2010.

A useful Dr Mercola report on lowering EMF exposure in the home including the creation of a sleep sanctuary – 08/09

French ES fugitives set up camp in the mountains of south east France – reported in the Times-on-line

Radiation Rescue – 4 steps to safeguard your family from the other inconvenient truth – the health hazards of wireless technology. Excellent new book from the US by Kerry Crofton on minimising and managing ES exposure – 2009 (Available in the UK from Tesco books, and worldwide from Amazon.)

Travelling by tube (in London) or by car (anywhere) – advice from Andrew Goldsworthy – 2009

Significantly higher level of electrosmog in loft extensions make them dangerous as childrens’ bedrooms – 2009

Options to minimise ES/RF/static field exposure in an office environment. Katherine Gustavs 2009

Comprehensive listing of ES sites worldwide supplied by the French site www.next-up.org – 2009

Medical tests available for ES in theUK – 2009
Courtesy of ES UK.

Building biology testing systems and guidelines for sleeping areas cover electromagnetic fields, chemicals and fungi/bacteria. They were drawn up by BAUBIOLOGIE MAES on behalf and with the support of the Institut f?r Baubiologie+Ökologie NeubeueIB. The most current version, SBM-008, was translated into English in 2008.
1. Building biology evaluation guidelines for sleeping areas
2. Standard of building biology testing methods SBM-2008
3. Questions and answers about the guidelines

Living with ES: Foods Matter’s editor discovered six months ago that she is electrically sensitive and probably has been for years. She describes how she deals with it – Michelle Berriedale-Johnson 2008

EMX Noise Field – a possible way to neutralise the biological effects of electromagentic radiation.

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Research Reports

Neuroprotective effect of ginseng against alteration of calcium binding proteins immunoreactivity in the mice hippocampus after radiofrequency exposure. August 2013Hypothesis on how to measure electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Up to now most scientists assume a psychological cause for the suffering of electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals. This paper addresses reasons why most provocation studies could not find any association between EMF exposure and EHS. Simultaneous recordings of heart rate variability, microcirculation and electric skin potentials could make it possible to distinguish “genuine” electromagnetic hypersensitive individuals from those who suffer from other conditions. January 2013

New EMF-free village in France

EMF protection in a bottle
