Some of the most effective natural treatments for ganglion cysts

There are a number of natural remedies that may help with ganglion cysts, including:
    • Warm compressesApplying a warm compress, heating pad, or hot water bottle to the cyst can help reduce inflammation, pain, and swelling, and improve joint mobility. 
    • MassageGently massaging the cyst in a circular motion may help disperse fluid and reduce the cyst’s size. 
    • Apple cider vinegarSoaking a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and applying it to the cyst may help reduce inflammation and pain. 
    • Castor oilApplying castor oil to the cyst may help reduce inflammation and pain. 
  • Epsom saltSoaking the affected area in Epsom salt may help reduce inflammation and pain. 
  • GingerConsuming ginger or drinking ginger tea may help reduce inflammation and pain. 
  • TurmericConsuming turmeric may help reduce inflammation and pain.