MAKARI Wellness
Eye floaters look like small dots, circles, specks, cobwebs, or lines in your field of vision that seem to float away when you try to look at them directly. They can be dark, grey, or transparent and in most cases are completely normal. They are a part of the natural aging process, and while they can be annoying at first, you will not notice them over time.
More than half of people over 70 see eye floaters because the vitreous tends to dry out as we age. It usually happens gradually, but if it occurs rapidly or is associated with other eye symptoms, it may be a sign of something more serious. Severe eye floaters require urgent care.
Natural remedies for eye floaters may include some modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) like acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, Chinese nutritional therapy, and supplementation. It offers many unique treatments and therapies that will benefit your eye condition. This post will deal with natural ways to get rid of eye floaters.
If yang energy is deficient and yin energy is too high, it creates eye floaters. Addressing this, in most cases, minor issue early is very important. At Makari Wellness, we balance the yin and yang by performing acupuncture on liver and spleen meridians. The individualized approach may also include nutrition and lifestyle counseling, Chinese herbal therapy, and supplements.
Each treatment we offer is tailored to the patient’s specific needs, considering the severity of the symptoms, constitution, and overall condition.

If you want to dissolve eye floaters naturally, schedule an appointment at Oceanside or San Diego locations. Regarding the COVID pandemic, or if you live far away, we also offer convenient telemedicine consultations to advise you about medications, dietary and Chinese herbal recommendations. Call us at (888) 871-8889 and book a real-time telemedicine appointment from your home.
Eye floaters are small dark or transparent shapes that appear across your vision. They may come in different forms – small lines, dark spots, blobs, dots, or little insect-like shapes that tend to float away when you try to look directly at them. They are actually tiny clumps of gel inside the vitreous that fill your eye. What you see are shadows those clumps cast on your retina.
You usually notice floaters when looking at something plain, like a white paper or a blue sky. You are more likely to get floater if you are nearsighted, have had cataract surgery, and have had eye inflammation.
It is not uncommon to notice floaters as people get older because our vitreous starts to thicken or shrink. They tend to become less noticeable over time and fade. However, any new floaters or flashes require additional attention in cases when:
- You notice a lot of new floaters
- A gray curtain covers a part of your vision
- A shadow appears in your side vision.
These multiple eye symptoms may be a sign of a retinal detachment, a serious eye condition that needs to be treated immediately. It could lead to vision loss if not treated.
Eye floaters are classified into physiological and pathological ones. Physiological floaters are a part of the normal aging process and are not malignant in any way. The pathological floaters result from an inflammatory process or some kind of bleeding and require medical intervention.
Another classification is made according to the shape of the floaters:
- Fibrous strand floaters are dense floaters and may appear as multiple dots or string-like cobwebs that occur as a result of clumping of the collagen fibers of the vitreous. This type is most common among young people.
- Diffuse floaters are cloud-like floaters caused by the natural aging process.
- Weiss ring floater is a large, ring-shaped floater that often indicates a vitreous is separating from the retina.

Eye floaters causes vary from those completely normal that are related to the age-related eye changes to those resulting from diseases or conditions like:
- Inflammation in the back of the eye: Posterior uveitis is a condition that can cause debris release into the vitreous that are seen as floaters.
- Torn retina: New floaters can be a sign of a retinal tear or detachment – a condition when the retina gets pulled from its normal position at the back of the eye.
- Eye bleeding: Bleeding into the vitreous can have many causes. In that case, blood cells are seen as floaters.
- Eye medications and eye surgeries: Some medications injected into the vitreous cause air bubbles to form, resulting in eye floaters. Also, some surgeries on the vitreous and retina add silicone oil bubbles that can be seen as floaters.
Factors that increase the risk of floaters include:
- Older age (over 50)
- Nearsightedness
- Eye injuries and inflammation
- Cataract surgery complications
- Diabetic retinopathy
Most eye floaters require no treatment. However, treating an underlying cause of the floaters like inflammation or bleeding from diabetes must be properly treated. Eye floaters that severely impair your vision happen extremely rarely. If it happens, the options include:
- Vitrectomy – an ophthalmologist will make a small incision to remove the vitreous and replace it with a solution that helps the eye maintain its shape. However, this intervention may not remove all the floaters, and new may develop after the surgery. With the high risk of complications, it is not a highly recommended treatment.
- Laser surgery – a special laser is used to break the floaters and make them less noticeable. Risks of this procedure include retina damage if the laser is not aimed correctly.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), eye floaters are seen as a result of kidney, spleen, and liver meridian imbalances and/or colon congestion. The liver meridian is primarily responsible for maintaining healthy vision, as the ‘liver opens to the eyes.’ TCM aims to boost overall visual acuity and restore balance within the liver meridian. In many cases, eyes suffer from inflammation, reduced blood flow, and too much oxidative stress. Five patterns of disharmony can cause eye floaters:
- Liver and heart blood deficiency
- Liver Qi deficiency
- Spleen and liver blood deficiency
- Liver blood deficiency
- Liver Yin deficiency
Once diagnosed, the patterns can be treated with various TCM modalities, including acupuncture, Chinese herbal therapy, nutritional therapy, and supplements.
Acupuncture For Eye Floaters
Acupuncture can successfully resolve eye floaters in eyes that usually suffer from reduced blood flow. It excels in the perfusion of blood to both the liver and the eyes and increases the nutrient-rich blood flow necessary to heal the cells and tissue of the eye. The goal of acupuncture is to restore health and balance by manipulating the flow of Qi, a life force that runs through invisible tracts called meridians. Meridians are separate from blood vessels and nerve pathways. Acupuncture works by inserting small, thin needles in specific acupoints.
Most common acupuncture points for treating eye floaters include:
- Jingming (UB 1) is the point located in the inner corner of the eye. It brings Qi and blood to the eyes.
- Zanzhu (UB 2) is located in the crease at the inner end of the eyebrow.
- Tongzilia (GB 1) can be found on the outside corner of the eye.
- Sizhukong (SJ 23) is located in the hollow area at the outer part of the eyebrow.
Micro Acupuncture For Floaters In Eye
Micro acupuncture 48 is a relatively new acupuncture system that involves 24 acupuncture points on feet and 24 acupuncture points on hands. It treats the eye floaters by controlling ocular oxidative stress and improves the detoxification of the liquid and solid waste that builds up in the eye.
Micro Acupuncture For Floaters In Eye
Micro acupuncture 48 is a relatively new acupuncture system that involves 24 acupuncture points on feet and 24 acupuncture points on hands. It treats the eye floaters by controlling ocular oxidative stress and improves the detoxification of the liquid and solid waste that builds up in the eye.
Floaters In Eye Treatment With Chinese Herbal Therapy
The Chinese doctrine describes the vitreous fluid as the ‘original water’ associated with the kidney, or Yin essence. It is located in the upper body and can degrade by weakening the kidney and the invasion of pathogenic influences such as internal heat from the liver/gallbladder and external wind-heat.
We need to clear deficiency heat, gently dry damp-heat, and nourish the fluids, particularly the kidney yin, to ensure the vitreous’s moistness. It can be done with various herbs and herbal formulas with unique characteristics that licensed Chinese herbalists carefully choose for every patient. Herbs can be in the form of tea, extracts, fresh or dried herbs, tinctures, powders, capsules, drops, or pills. Some of them include:
- Gingko Biloba – improves blood flow to the back of the eye.
- Green tea – packed with vitamins E and C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and other antioxidants that guard eye tissue.
- Chrysanthemum flower – rich in beta-carotene and B vitamins that have proven beneficial for eye health.
- Wolfberries – as one of the traditional Chinese herbs for eye health help improve eyesight.
- Buddleia flower buds – help alleviate light sensitivity and help protect eyes against eye lens damage and cloudiness.
- Eyebright – contains Aucubin, which protects against oxidative damage in the eye cells. It also protects the liver.
Eye Floaters Remedy: Diet And Nutritional Supplements
Some of the most potent eye-supportive nutrients can keep your retina and vitreous healthy, which reduces the chances of getting new floaters. Most of these nutrients are present in natural food sources, so having a well-balanced diet is extremely important, especially for seniors. Here are some supplements beneficial for eye health, and where you can find them:
- Lutein – can be found in leafy green vegetables and eggs.
- Zeaxanthin – dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli are rich in zeaxanthin. Peppers, egg yolks, and grapes are good sources, too.
- Vitamin C – as an antioxidant, neutralizes oxidization and eliminates waste.
- Vitamin E – foods rich in vitamin E include vegetable and nut oils, nuts and seeds, wheat germ, sweet potato, avocado, and dark leafy greens.
- Vitamin B – Eating foods high in vitamin B, such as whole grains, meat, legumes, nuts, seeds, dark green vegetables and fruits, may benefit the health of your eyes.
- Selenium – anti-oxidizing properties of selenium shields cells from damage. Enriched breads, rice, and walnuts provide dietary selenium.
- Zinc – strengthen retinal cells. The best source is oysters, crabs, lobsters, whole grains, dairy products, meat, and poultry.
- Omega 3 fatty acids – beneficial for regulating intraocular pressure, they can be found in salmon, herring, mackerel, tuna, and many cold-water fish.
- Glucosamine and hyaluronic acid – senior patients produce less of these two substances as they age, so taking them as a supplement might reduce how quickly the lining of the vitreous sac breaks down.
How To Reduce Floaters In Eyes Naturally – Prevention?
Taking good care of your overall health is the first line of defense against eye floaters. Also, keeping your vitreous and retina healthy reduces the chances of getting new floaters. Here are some tips on how to reduce eye floaters naturally:
- Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet. That includes tomatoes, olive oil, dark green and leafy vegetables, strawberries, blueberries, fatty fish, and many others. Reduce the intake of deep-fried foods, refined carbohydrates, processed meat, and margarine.
- Stay hydrated. Consuming plenty of water throughout the day can help detoxify your body and reduce floaters because they can happen due to the toxin accumulation in the body.
- Relax your eyes, as floaters tend to come as a result of tired eyes. Relieve your eyes from eyestrain and limit your screen time each day. Hot and cold compress for 2 minutes at a time can help.
- Eye exercises can build up their resistance to fatigue. Rolling your eyes a few times clockwise and counterclockwise can strengthen your eye muscles. Also, focusing on a moving object (for example, a pen) six inches in front of your face and slowly moving it away can help reduce eye floaters.
- Wear protective glasses because excessive UV exposure can damage your eyes.
- Sleep enough because getting enough sleep can help your eyes recover from fatigue. Also, it is good for your overall health.
- Limit your alcohol intake and stop smoking