7 Best Hiatal Hernia Natural Treatment Options

Hiatal Hernia Condition

Hiatal Hernia Natural Treatment

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which part of the stomach is pushed up through the hiatus, an opening in the diaphragm. For many people, the condition can be completely asymptomatic. For others, pain and discomfort often attributed to heartburn and other acid related conditions can present. Options for managing the condition include choices in hiatal hernia natural treatment, medications and lifestyle changes. Diet is one of the best options in a treatment for hiatal hernia symptoms and many find that eliminating problem or trigger foods combined with adding in better low acid choices can eliminate uncomfortable symptoms. However, dietary changes alone are not always enough to reduce symptoms, and in these cases, other types of treatment may be required.

Hiatal hernia medications are most commonly used to control the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor blockers are often indicated when symptoms are persistent. Most of these medications need to be taken every single day in order to provide benefit. Some of them can cause side effects like gastrointestinal upset and headaches. Because of this, some people prefer to exhaust hiatal hernia natural treatment options before starting these medicinal therapies.

The symptoms of hiatal hernia flares most often present like heartburn. There can be tightness or discomfort in the chest accompanied by a burning or warm sensation. Some people experience outright pain in the chest that can be severe enough to mimic a heart attack (these instances should always prompt an immediate visit to a doctor). Other symptoms can include feelings of acid indigestion such as bloating, fullness and discomfort in the lower abdomen. In some cases, these symptoms can be relieved with different types of hiatal hernia natural treatment.

For any treatment to be effective however, the underlying causes of the symptoms should be considered. In most cases, the causes of hiatal hernia are unknown. They may be genetic or could be brought about by something as innocuous as a particularly strenuous bowel movement. However, the triggers of symptoms are often easier to identify. Certain foods like citrus fruits or spicy or deep fried foods are commonly to blame. Additionally, stress may also be a trigger of symptoms. Once specific triggers are identified, various types of hiatal hernia natural treatment can be employed and possibly help bring about relief. Not all natural treatments will work for everyone, and it is important to discuss any that you are considering with a healthcare provider before proceeding. To help reduce symptom recurrence, consider these seven picks for hiatal hernia natural treatment:

1. Doing Exercise: Yes, we know it is a cliche but exercise is important in general for maintaining good overall health; however it was thought that specific hiatal hernia exercise techniques might help to reduce symptom recurrence. Movements that are best for strengthening the stomach muscles are most commonly recommended, however each individual will need to consider their own limitations with regard to appropriate exercise. Yoga for hiatal hernia relief is also commonly recommended because it provides a dual effect on the condition, providing healthy physical strengthening as well as stress relief. Since stress can be associated with triggering symptoms, it is one of the best forms of hiatal hernia natural treatment.

2. Herbal Tea: Tea is not commonly recommended as part of a diet geared towards reducing the symptoms of hiatal hernia triggers. However, there are some herbs for hiatal hernia relief that can be brewed into delightful teas that might be beneficial. For instance, slippery elm makes a fabulous tea that can promote healthy mucus coatings, and chamomile is an herb that has long been associated with reducing painful inflammation. These types of teas may not be for everyone; however some suffering individuals have found them to be suitable forms of hiatal hernia natural treatment.

3. Sipping Water: It may sound absolutely absurd, but when abdominal discomfort persists as a result of a hiatal hernia, sipping tiny slurps of water that is room temperature might just be all that is needed. In addition to using mid temperature H20 as a quick and easy hiatal hernia natural treatment, the tasteless liquid is also an important part of a hiatal hernia diet as maintaining healthy hydration can help reduce symptom occurrences.

4. Acupuncture Treatment: There is nothing medically beneficial that has been proven with regards using acupuncture for hiatal hernia symptom relief, but it is possible that the stress relieving benefits from the ancient Chinese practice are what make people with the condition find it effective. Stress can be a major trigger for the condition’s symptoms, and while not all benefits of acupuncture have been medically proven, the needle therapy’s ability to lessen stressful anxiety is one of the most promising.

5. Eating Cinnamon: A diet tailored for people with a hiatal hernia typically involves using less spice and seasoning, however cinnamon might be the exception to the rule. While it should be enjoyed in moderation, the sweet spice can contribute to better digestion and has been used as an aid in this regard for centuries. It is still an officially unproven herbal remedy, but might soothe and comfort the digestive tract and reduce symptoms in some individuals.

6. Essential Oils: Blends of essential oils for hiatal hernia symptom relief are becoming more and more readily available. Their use should be discussed with a health care provider and purchasing them from reputable sellers is imperative. It is thought that oil inclusions like tarragon and fennel can seriously support digestive function, and these essential oils are sometimes used in persons with the condition for hiatal hernia natural treatment. Other popular essential oils include ginger, coriander and anise.

7. Sleep Positioning: Perhaps one of the easiest and most effective forms of managing a hiatal hernia is simply sleeping the right way. There are devices sold for this purpose, often wedge shaped, to keep an upright position during sleeping. This simple step alone can provide significant symptom relief in many individuals and should be employed alongside other types of hiatal hernia natural treatment as well as in individuals who are taking daily medications for the condition.
