Uncle Harry’s Remineralization System for Tooth Enamel
by Uncle Harry’s
A poor diet and digestion leads to slightly acidic saliva and an environment which accelerates the demineralization of enamel and contributes to enamel erosion and tooth decay. Using the potent knowledge of correct dietary habits, Uncle Harry has developed a nutritional system that will effectively create a favorable body chemistry for remineralization of tooth enamel. After all, a good diet and eating habits are essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums, and bones.
A poor diet and digestion leads to slightly acid saliva and an environment which accelerates the demineralization of enamel. Healthy saliva is neutral or slightly alkaline, and such an environment is not conducive for harmful bacteria which need an acid medium to do damage. Indications of overeating and poor digestion include dry mouth and a lack of saliva which leave the mouth unprotected and thus more prone to tooth decay.
Tooth enamel is almost entirely composed of calcium phosphate (Ca5 (PO4)3 OH). Mineralization is the chemical process of enamel formation, a combination of calcium, phosphate, and hydroxyl ions. The reverse process is called demineralization or erosion of the enamel, consisting of the breaking up of calcium phosphate into calcium, phosphate, and hydroxyl ions.
Ca5 (PO4)3 OH ⇔ 5Ca+2 +3(PO)-3 +OH-1
An acidic medium will provide hydrogen ions, which will combine with hydroxyl ions and this will favor the process of demineralization. An alkaline medium will provide hydroxyl ions and will favor the process of mineralization. Saliva will provide just the kind of medium which will favor the process of mineralization, both on account of its neutral or slightly alkaline character and the calcium and phosphate ions it can provide.
It is generally thought that the erosion of tooth enamel is permanent, that once it’s gone it’s lost forever. The hard enamel and the dentine covering the tooth may appear inert, but this is a misconception. Living cells have built these structures so when the body is in need of calcium, demineralization takes place. This means that during calcium deficiency, the body can rob the enamel and dentine, as well as bones, of calcium. If demineralization is possible during calcium deficiency, it is reasonable to assume that remineralization can take place when there is an adequate supply of calcium and other favorable conditions. A good diet and eating habits are essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums, and bones.
There are sound physiological reasons for eating foods in compatible combinations. In other words, mixing certain foods in the digestive system will cause distress. The principles of food combining are dictated by digestive chemistry because different foods are digested differently. Starchy foods require an alkaline digestive medium which is supplied initially in the mouth by the enzyme pitalin whereas protein foods require an acid medium for digestion –hydrochloric acid.
Acids and bases (alkalis) neutralize each other. If you eat a starch with a protein, digestion is impaired or completely arrested. The undigested food mass can cause various kinds of digestive disorders since undigested food becomes soil for bacteria which ferment and decompose it. Its by-products are poisonous, one of which – alcohol – is a narcotic that destroys or inhibits nerve function. It plays havoc with nerves of the digestive tract, suspending their vital action such that constipation may well be the result.
Following are some simple rules of diet set forth by Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, a modern proponent of healthy eating habits, to help maintain the body with sufficient nutrients:
- Eat acids and starches at separate meals.
- Eat protein food and carbohydrates at separate meals.
- Eat proteins and acids at separate meals.
- Eat fats and proteins at separate meals.
- Eat sugars and proteins at separate meals.
- To summarize the above rules in a general dietary plan we suggest the following:
- Eat one acid fruit or sweet fruit meal once a day. (I.e. Acid fruits include apples, grapes, pineapples, oranges, etc. Sweet fruits include bananas, mangoes, papayas, etc.)
- Eat one protein and vegetable meal per day. (I.e. tofu, nuts, dry beans, cooked beans, soy beans, cheese, olives, milk products, avocados and all green vegetables including sprouts, broccoli, zucchini, etc)
- Eat one starch meal per day. (I.e. brown rice, bread, all cereal grains, potatoes, dry peas, pumpkin, dates, raisins, bananas combined with any fat, such as butter or vegetable or nut oils)
- (Optional) Drink one cup of hot milk before bed.
Refer to Hebert M. Sherlton’s book Combining Foods Properly for more detail and information.
Using the potent knowledge of correct dietary habits, Uncle Harry has developed a nutritional system that will effectively create a better body chemistry for the remineralization of tooth enamel.
Seaweed Capsules
Recommendation: Take up to 6 capsules a day, 2 with each meal.
Wildcrafted Triphala Capsules
Recommendation: Take 3-4 capsules of Triphala before going to bed.
Rinse your mouth with a mixture of Uncle Harry’s Natural Tooth Powder and Uncle Harry’s Tooth & Gum Elixir.
Directions: To maintain an alkaline environment in your mouth, follow the following procedure: Place ½ a teaspoon or more of Tooth Powder in a cup. Add 3 or more drops of Tooth & Gum Elixir. Add water to liquefy. Use this mixture as a mouthwash, rotating it in your mouth for up to a minute. Repeat this for at least 4 or more times a day for intensive treatment.