Time for an Ounce of Prevention
Dr. Richard P. Brown and Dr. Patricia Gerbarg
We all look forward to the Breath-Body-Mind workshops hosted by Serving Those Who Serve. However, this year, we are cancelling the March workshop to prevent exposing anyone to the coronavirus (COVID-19). In Japan, the healthcare researchers discovered that being in a room with a group of people dramatically increased the risk of transmission. Based on previous viral epidemics, we anticipate the next three months may be the period of the highest health risk. If we are unable to reschedule, then we will see you at the September workshop. We are looking into the possibility of providing Breath-Body-Mind workshops by webinar.
Here are our recommendations for reducing the risk of COVID-19.
Advice for Better Immune Defense and Prevention
The coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread and is likely to become a health concern everywhere within the coming months. There is no specific treatment in sight other than general recommendations for rest, fluids, nutrition, and symptomatic treatment of fever. However, there are measures that we can take to strengthen our immune defenses. This approach may reduce the likelihood of getting sick or, even if you acquire the virus, immune boosters can help to reduce the severity and shorten the length of illness.
Because this is becoming a health crisis, we want to share with you a list of immune boosters that we rely on and that may be of help to you and your families. We only recommend the brands listed below because they have been studied and shown to be effective and of good quality. If you have any serious health conditions or allergies, please consult your personal physician and read the contents of each supplement before taking. Also, follow recommendations for when to take these supplements. [We do not receive any financial remuneration from supplement companies.]
A. Supplements to Boost Immune Defense
1. Kold-Care (Immune Kare) from Kare-n-Herbs at Karenherbs.com
For prevention Take 1 tab twice daily for prevention
If symptoms or exposure occur, take 1 tab 4 times daily
2. Respigard by Nature’s Nurse (Amazon)
If symptoms or exposure occur, follow directions on the bottle for dosing
3. Immune Senescence Protection from Life Extension Foundation
Prevention: Take 2 daily right after eating breakfast (food prevents stomach upset)
4. Bio-Strath available online from multiple companies. Follow directions on bottle.
5. Sambucus by Nature’s Way
Prevention and if symptoms occur. Follow directions on bottle.
If symptoms or exposure occur, follow directions on the bottle for dosing
6. Mushroom extracts: Maitake-D and Shiitake from the following companies: Mushroom Science, Mushroom Wisdom or Nature’s Way). Follow directions on bottle.
B. Additional advice to optimize your body’s natural defense capacities.
1. Get lots of rest. Go to bed earlier and readjust your activities as needed.
2. Healthy diet is important with fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
3. Drink lots of fluids to stay hydrated.
4. For Prevention: Do Coherent Breathing 20 min a day to improve lung and immune function. If you become ill and you are coughing, you will not be able to do this. Resume Coherent Breathing when you are able to do so without irritating your cough. At first you may need to start at 6 breaths per minute and work down to 5 breaths per minute.
5. Wash hands frequently. Use disinfectants to clean surfaces. Avoid touching your face because that is a common way the viruses are transferred from your fingers. Keep a small bottle of disinfectant with you to use after you have touched surfaces in public places that may have been contaminated.
6. If you choose to wear a mask, be sure it is rated as N95 anti-viral.
7. Avoid unnecessary social gatherings, especially in closed spaces. Do not share foods or platters. Minimize travel.
We cannot predict the course of coronaviruses, but we can take common sense precautions. Contact your doctor if you have any symptoms such as fever or coughing, or if you think you have been exposed.
We hope that you and your families stay healthy through this difficult time.
Best wishes to all,
Dr. Brown and Dr. Gerbarg