Holistic Dentists Recommended by Dr. Hulda Clark
Dr. Oscar Solorio
Consultorio Dental Solorio Valdivia
Avenida 5 de Mayo 964
Zona Centro
Tijuana, B.C., C.P. 22000
USA Tel: 619-308-7830
MX Tel: 011-52-664-685-3973
MX Fax: 011-52-664-685-2449
Email: DrSolorio@gmail.com
Dr. Benjamin Arechiga, DDS
Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez 1310, Int. 5-8,
Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22320 Tijuana, B.C.
Tijuana Dentist | Odontologia Integral De Mexico | Tijuana
Tel. (619) 819-8671 or (619) 628-9016
POC: Adrian
X-rays: info@bajadentristry.com
Dr. Arechiga has been working with Dr. Hulda Clark’s patients. He is an oral surgeon and works in a professional team together with a dentist and a dental technician plus supporting staff. Their work is 1A quality and they are better equipped than most US dental practices (e.g. digital panoramic Xray) while the prices are reasonable.
Dr. Reuben Ascencio
Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez 1310, Int. 5-8,
Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22320 Tijuana, B.C.
Tijuana Dentist | Odontologia Integral De Mexico | Tijuana
Tel. (619) 819-8671 or (619) 628-9016
POC: Adrian