Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal, S
Arsenicum [Ars] |
Nape stiff as if bruised or sprained; neuralgic pains on left side of neck; cervical glands enlarged,feel like a series of hard nodules under skin. |
Belladonna [Bell] |
Painful swelling and stiffness of ape of neck, with cloudiness of head; inflammation and swelling of glands of neck and of back part of throat; in coughing, violent pressing pain in nape of neck,as if it would break, (<) bending head backward. |
Calcarea-carb [Calc] |
Stiffness and rigidity of nape of neck; pain in neck on turning head,as if a tumor would protrude there; rheumatic pains in upper cervical vertebrae. with stiff neck, especially strain from over lifting. |
Colchicum [Colch] |
Pressing pain or tension in cervical muscles, felt even when swallowing; rheumatic pains in neck and back, on motion. |
Dulcamara [Dulc] |
Neck stiff, back painful, loins lame, after taking cold, from bending head more forward; entire spine sensitive. |
Lachnanthes [Lachn] |
Pain and stiffness in neck, going over whole head and down nose, as if pinching nostrils together; when turning head or bending it backward, pain in nape as if from dislocations; stiff neck, head drawn to one side. |
Lycopodium [Lyc] |
One side of neck stiff and swollen; cervical glands swollen. |
Nux-vomica [Nux-v] |
Neck stiff, with heaviness from cold; tension, burning, pressure, as from a stone between scapula; sudden stitches in back when turning. |
Rhus-tox [Rhus-t] |
Stiff neck, with painful tension when moving, spinal membranes inflamed, from getting wet or sleeping on damp ground. |
Sulphur [Sulph] |
Cracking in cervical vertebrae, especially on bending backward; stiffness in neck or back; sensation as if vertebrae were gliding on over the other, when turning in bed. |