Homeopathy Natural Treatment for Arthritis
Arthritis is an inflammation of a joint. A pain in the middle of the upper arm for instance, is not arthritis because it has no joints. Joints of the body are found on the wrists, elbows, knees, fingers, toes, hips, and shoulders. The neck and back have joints between the bones of the spine. However, pains in the joints are not always due to arthritis. Other parts that surround the joints can cause pain such as tendons, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, and bursae. Symptoms of arthritis are pain, swelling, stiffness, and deformity. Certain conditions may set off an attack of arthritis. It may be caused from a poor diet, an injury, tonsils, infection of the teeth or other parts of the body, exposure to cold and dampness. There are several types of arthritis. The most common forms of arthritis are infectious arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Infectious arthritis, also called septic arthritis, is an inflammation of a joint caused by an infection of joint fluid and joint tissue produced by a bacterial invasion. It can develop by an entry of germs into the joint due to an injury, wound or skin abrasion. Infectious diseases such as gonorrhea or tuberculosis elsewhere in the body may travel from the infected area to the joints through the blood. The infected joint is painful, swollen, red, tender, and hot. The pain gets worse with movement.
Osteoarthritis is the wearing and tearing away of cartilage and joint tissues in the knees, back, neck, and the last joints of each finger. It is characterized by the degeneration of cartilage and thegrowth of bumpy lumps in the joints. It is most common in people advancing into old age. It is caused by wear and tear. The most common symptoms of osteoarthritis are stiffness, pain, heat, and loss of dexterity. Changes in the weather may flare up an attack.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory and destructive disease of the joints and soft tissue. The joints, cartilage, synovial membranes, muscles, and ligaments are involved. It usually begins in middle age, and most often in women. The symptoms include pain with stiffness in the joints of the hands, fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulder, feet, ankles, knees, or hips. After an attack, there may be scarring and new bone formation which cause deformities and loss of movement in the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis may be due to an autoimmune disease or infectious agent. Rheumatoid arthritis has a point of origin in the intestine. It is caused by an over consumption of improper food, poor digestion, and a slow metabolism.
Gout is characterized by inflammation of the joints of the hands and feet especially of the big toe caused by elevated blood levels of uric acids. Gout is associated with certain foods that are rich inchemicals called purines. Purines such as eggplants, peppers, anchovies, mushrooms, tomatoes, shellfish, peanuts, and meat are transformed in the organism into uric acids. Excess uric acids in the form of urate crystals accumulate in the joints and cause pain and inflammation. There are two forms of gout, primary gout and secondary gout. Primary gout is linked to inherited defect in metabolism. Secondary gout is a failure of the kidney to excrete uric acids. The kidneys are the principal organs of elimination of metabolic products. When there is an overproduction of uric acid,it reduces the kidneys ability to keep up with the elimination process. If the kidneys are unable to keep up with the overload, they will dump the urate crystals into the blood. As urate crystals travel throughout the system through the blood, they are deposited in the joints and tissues of the body.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints and soft tissue affecting children 16 years old and under.
Polyarthritic rheumatoid is inflammation and soft tissue swelling of many joints at the same time.
Homeopathy in Practice
Respect the body’s natural ability to heal.
Every disease is caused by toxins. In an attempt to reinstate homeostasis, the body directs its vitality towards the elimination of toxins. As the organism struggles to eliminate toxins, it produces symptoms. This is articulated through pain, inflammation, elevated blood level, and so on. Therefore, symptoms are an attempt of the organism at a healing process.Do not suppress the body’s natural ability to heal. Doing so, may lead to a more serious internal ailment.
There are four factors that may affect arthritis.
1) Focal infectious agent
A focal infection may be located in the sinus, teeth, root canal, tonsils, or genitals. If the focal infection enters the circulatory system and travels throughout the body, it may affect other organs or tissues. An example of focal infection is gonorrhea in which the germ from the infected genital organ is carried to the joints through the blood.
2) Synovial fluid
A loss of synovial fluid may cause pain in the joints. An increase of synovial fluid may lead to an inflammation of the joints.
3) Acid-base imbalance
When the pH chemistry of the tissue is altered as a consequence of gut dysbiosis, inflammatory conditions may arise. This is caused from prolonged eating of foods high in acids. Make dietary changes by converting to an alkaline diet.
4) Weather joints
Joints may feel pain when the atmospheric pressure changes, especially before a storm. Watch the weather forecast and take the appropriate remedy before the weather changes.
Arthritis Healing Diet
Avoid gluten and dairy products.
Consume almond milk or rice milk, instead of cow’s milk.
Eat a well balanced diet of organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.
Eat chicken, turkey, eggs, and oily fish.
Avoid saturated fats and trans fats.
Supplement with omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Every morning take a very tiny piece of garlic crush it with a knife and swallow with a glass of water.
Take 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water twice a day.
Take a digestive enzyme if you have poor digestion.
Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.
Exercise to build stronger muscles and makes joints more flexible.
Colon hydrotherapy is recommended to remove buildup
of toxins in the colon.
Leading Homeopathic Remedies for Arthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis according to location
Lachnantes treats whiplash.
Actea racemosa is indicated for muscle spasms in the neck.
Hydratis treats rheumatoid arthritis. Muscle pain in the neck that radiates to the shoulder.
Causticum treats musculature pain in the neck and
dorsal region.
Naja treats arthritis of the neck. Palpitation in the back of the neck.
Pinus montana
Cervical disc
Cervical vertebra
Right shoulder and right arm
Arnica treats muscular pain caused from overuse of
body part.
Rhus toxicondendron treats arthritis. Stiffness
with tearing painful ligaments aggravated from immobility.
Bryonia treats painful joints aggravated from mobility
Kalium carbonica treats painful inflammation in the
shoulder blades.
Ferrum phosphoricum treats all inflammatory
conditions and arthritic deformities.
Rhododenron treats all rheumatic pain aggravated
by atmospheric changes.
Ampelopsia weitchil treats very deformed and inflamed arthritis.
Kali mur
Pinus montana
Ribes nigrum
Rubus fructicosus
Sequoia gigantea
Shoulder joint
Ligaments of the shoulder joint
Left shoulder and left arm
Oxalicum acidum treats arthritis of the left shoulder
with numbness of the left arm.
Actea racemosa treats spasm in the left arm and
shoulder; pain flares up during menses.
Kalmia latifolia treats rheumatic carditis; pain goes down the left arm.
Iris versicolor treats arthritis of the left shoulder and right hip.
Oxalicium acidum treats arthritis of the left arm;
sensation of electrical pain in the right arm.
Pinus montana
Ribes nigrum
Rubus fructicosus
Sequoia gigantea
Shoulder joint
Ligaments of the shoulder joint
Causticum treats muscle paralysis; arthritis of the
right hip.
Iris versicolor treats the dislocation of the left hip.
Natrum sulfuricum treats arthritis of the left hip; pain
flares up during humid temperature.
Calcarea carbonicum is indicated when there is a
softening of the hip bone caused from poor assimilation of
Calcarea phosphoricum treats arthritis due to a
calcium deficiency; a predisposition to bone fracture.
Symphytum is indicated when there is an injury to
the hip bone.
Kalium carbonicum treats arthritis of the hips, pain extends to the buttock.
Silicea treats rheumatoid arthritis. Painful swelling of sub-cutaneous nodules of hip joints.
Betula pubescens
Pinus montana
Vitis vinifera
Hip joint
Ligaments of the hip joint
Hands and fingers
Apocynum treats arthritis of the hands; hands are
always cold and need to be covered.
Rhus toxicondendron treats arthritis, stiff fingers,
pain feels better with movement.
Urtica urens treats arthritis of the fingers.
Nux vomica is indicated when arthritis is
accompanied with weakness and numbness of the hands and fingers.
Benzoicum acidium treats deforming arthritis;
alteration between arthritis and asthma.
Magnesia phosphorus treats writer’s cramp.
Gelsemium treats carpal tunnel.
Mezereum treats deforming bones and suppurating bones.
Betula pubescens
Vitis vinifera
Kalium carbonica treats arthritis of the wrist; pain
in the wrist first thing in the morning.
Arnica treats a sprained wrist.
Apis mellifica is indicated when synovial fluid is
found in the wrist.
Rhus toxicondendron treats tennis elbow with
articulator pain.
Kalium carbonica treats a swollen stiff elbow.
Spiraea ulmaria treats arthritis of the elbow.
Ligaments of the elbow joint
Kalium carbonicum treats an enlarged knee; pain is
better when bent.
Apocynum treats water in the knee; burning of the
sole; a diuretic remedy.
Myristica sebifera treats elephantiasis; pus in the
joints; swollen legs.
Rhododendron treats runner’s knee.
Silicea treats inflammation of the bone.
Helianthus annuus treats pain in the left knee.
Apis mellifica treats a red, hot, and swollen knee.
Betula pubescens
Cercis siliquastrum
Citrus limonum
Knee joint
Ligaments of the knee joint
Feet, ankles, legs
Ledum palustre treats arthritis of the feet; pain
radiates up to the back.
Cyclamen treats a stiff ankle with numbness.
Mimosa treats arthritis in the left ankle.
Tartaricum acidum treats cramps in sole near heel;
can’t put the foot down.
Apis mellifica treats water retention in ankle.
Rhus toxicodendron treats plantar fascitis.
Cuprum metallicum treats cramps in the heel, calves and sole.
Calcarea fluoricum treats bone deformation; bone spur.
Tarantula is indicated when legs cannot rest, involuntary contraction.
Phytolacca is an anti-inflammatory remedy.
Calcarea phosphoricum treats arthritis of the leg; a tendency to bone fracture.
Tissue salt
Mag phos
Populus nigra
Vitis vinifera
Ankle joint
Hypericum treats an injury to the nerve in the toe.
Uretica urens treats arthritis of the toes and fingers.
Kalium carbonica treats pain in the toes; foot falls asleep.
Natrum hypochlorosum is indicated when there is pain from knee to toe.
- Osteoarthritis
Mercurius vivus treats osteoarthritis; pain in the bone during the night.
Phytolacca is an anti-inflammatory remedy; osteoarthritis of the tibia.
Tissue salt
Ferrum phos
Kali mur
Kali sulph
Nat sulph
Pinus montana
Ribes nigrum
Vitis vinifera
- Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
Calcarea carbonicum is indicated in the treatment
of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. A softening of the
bone is caused from poor assimilation of calcium.
Pulsatilla is indicated for migrating inflammatory
- Infectious arthritis
Pyrogenium treats infectious arthritis; pus formation.
Hepar sulfur is indicated after suppuration has taken place.
Juglans regia
Rosa canina
Candida albicans
- Polyarthritic Rheumatoid
Rhododendron treats polyarthritic rheumatoid. Pain aggravates before a thunderstorm.
Bryonia treats musculature and articulator inflammation.
Ampelopsia weitchil treats very deformed and inflamed arthritis.
Tissue salt
Ferrum phos
Kali mur
Kali sulph
Nat sulph
Juniperus communis
- Gout
Pilosella treats excess formation and deposit of uric
Colchicum treats gouty arthritis; joint is swollen and
Apis mellifica treats gout; the toe is red, hot and
Uricum acidum treats gout with renal calculi.
Berberis is indicated when there is a tendency
towards formation of kidney stone.
Calcarea fluorica treats swollen and deformed joints.
Lithium carbonicum treats renal calculus associated
with uric acid.
Colchicum treats rheumatic gout and its
Benzoic acid treats retention of uric acid; renal calculi.
Othosiphon staminus helps excrete uric acids.
Tissue salt
Nat sulph
Betula pubescens
Fraxinus excelsior
Juniperus communis