by Dr. David Williams
If you have a hiatal hernia, you probably experience the horrible burning in your chest associated with heartburn and acid reflux after most meals. I’d like to offer a simple, natural solution for your mealtime discomfort.
But first, a quick explanation of what’s happening: Your diaphragm separates the organs in your chest from your stomach and other digestive organs. But in the case of a hiatal hernia, your stomach has breached the divide, worming its way through an enlarged hole at the back of the diaphragm that allows the esophagus to go from the throat to the stomach. The only solution is to get your stomach out of the hole. Here’s how you do it without surgery and in a quick morning exercise:
- Drink a glass of room temperature or slightly warm water when you get out of bed in the morning. (Skip the coffee, tea, juice, and cold water—just drink warm water.)
- While standing, bring your arms straight out from your sides and bend your elbows so your hands are touching your chest.
- Stand up on your toes as high as possible and drop down. You should get a pretty good jolt. Drop down like this 10 times continuously.
- Then, while standing with your arms up in the air, breathe short quick breaths with your mouth open for about 15 seconds. That’s it.
You are essentially forcing your stomach out of the hole. The warm water acts as a weight in the stomach, while relaxing the stomach muscles as well. The breathing at the end helps close the diaphragm and the hole where your stomach was lodged.
As long as you have a hiatal hernia, this is an exercise you’ll have to do every morning to put an end to you acid reflux problems. But, there are other natural solutions to more minor cases of heartburn and acid reflux like eating ginger or licorice.
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