Written By: Charles K. Bens, Ph.D.
Every person has multiple viruses in their body, and everyone has experienced a viral infection at some point in their life. In spite of this, the vast majority of people know very little about viruses and how they can protect themselves from the pain and suffering viruses cause
What are viruses?
Viruses are very tiny germs; much smaller than bacteria. They are made up of genetic material with an outside protein exterior. They have some very unique characteristics.
- They are not able to make protein like some other cells.
- They are totally dependent on their host for survival.
- They can only reproduce while inside of a host cell.
- A strong immune system can keep viruses from multiplying.
- In a compromised immune system, the virus inserts its genetic material into a cell and begins to produce more virus in the host cell.
- Each virus has a unique shape, and is attracted to very specific organs in the body, such as the liver, lungs or even our blood.
What are the diseases/illnesses that are caused by viruses?
There is a long list of diseases caused by viruses including:
Treatments for viral diseases
Viruses are very difficult to treat with conventional medical approaches. A few of the more effective treatments include:
- Small pox – A vaccine has been effective.
- HIV – A few medications have proven to be effective.
- Hepatitis C – A few medications have proven to be very effective.
- Flu vaccine – This year’s version of the flu vaccine (2020) is only 10% effective according to a recent study in the New England Journal of Medcine. This study in Jan/Feb. 2020 suggests that this year’s dominant flu virus is unique and stronger than previous strains.
Vaccinations for the flu and measles have not been shown to be consistently effective, but show some promise for the future. These efforts deserve to be continued. However, there are several natural approaches, that deserve to be mentioned, and they are supported by excellent scientific evidence.
Animal caused viruses
Some viruses emanate from contact with animals.
Animal cause
Plant spread of viruses
Fruits and vegetables can also become infected with viruses. Norovirus contamination can occur before and after harvest from water runoff containing fecal matter, or when infected human touch the plants. Noroviruses do no grow on the plant like bacteria does. They wait until the infection is passed on to a human, and then it begins to multiply. Commercial harvest is safer before most produce it treated with irradiation.
However, when people buy produce at food markets this treatment is not used. A novel method of treatment has been developed by scientists in Quebec, Canada. The combined cranberry juice and citrus extract in a spray for produce such as lettuce and strawberries. Other produce sprays been effectively kill bacteria, but are not as effective on the norovirus. This spray turned out to be very effective. (The study was published online on February 12, 2020 in the Journal of Applied Microbiology).
Human spread of viruses
There are a few viruses that are spread by human contact.
Human transmission
Virus type
Preventing and treating viral disease naturally
There is mounting scientific evidence that a handful of vitamins, minerals and herbs have been shown to be effective in prevention and treatments of many viral influenced illnesses. Below are a few examples of some natural prevention and treatment protocols:
- Measles – In 2002, a study of children with measles, under the age of two, experienced a reduced risk of overall mortality, and pneumonia specific mortality, after taking 200,000 iu of vitamin A for two days. (Pub Med)
- HIV – In 2018, a National Institute of Health study found that low vitamin D3 promotes inflammation and de-activation of key immune system elements. Supplementation with vitamin D3 to levels between 50 – 90 mg/mL can help provide excellent protection.
- Colds and flu – In April of 2012, a study found that low levels of vitamin D3 resulted in an increase in colds, flus and autoimmune diseases. These low levels, under 50 mg/mL, allow for genetic activation of reduced immune function. (Federation of American Scientists for Experimental Biology)
- TB and Hepatitis C – Vitamin D3 deficiency has now been found to have a strong co-relation to the development of TB, hepatitis C and bacterial vaginosis. (Canadian AIDS Treatment and Information Exchange)
- Polio – Nearly 50 years ago, Dr. Frederick Klenner cured 60 people with polio by using multi gram doses of vitamin C. He used both intramuscular and intravenous methods over a two-day period. (Journal of Preventive Medicine – 1974)
- Sepsis – Sepsis is not a virus, but it is a very dangerous infection caused by difficult to treat bacteria. Vitamin C used as an adjunct to anti-bacterial protocols has been shown to be highly effective in reducing the severity and length of the infection. Many lives are being saved in the hospitals using this integrated protocol. (J Crit Care – 2018)
- Viral pneumonia – When Dr. Andrew Saul became ill with viral pneumonia, his doctor offered no treatment. Dr. Saul knew about the work of Dr. Cathcart, who was using mega doses of intravenous vitamin C (200,000 mg daily). Dr. Saul took 2,000 mg of vitamin C orally every six minutes and experienced dramatic relief within hours. After consuming 100,000 mg, he began to experience a considerable reduction of symptoms. (www.doctoryourself.com and Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine)
The special case of the Coronavirus
1. Vitamin C – Coronavirus: Exploring Effective Nutritional Treatments, Andrew W. Saul, Orthomolecular News Service; January 30, 2020. This article is based on more than 30 clinical studies confirming the antiviral power of vitamin C against a wide range of flu viruses over several decades. Vitamin C inactivates the virus and strengthens the immune system to continue to suppress the virus. In many cases, oral supplementation up to 10,000 mg daily can create this protection. However, some viruses are stronger and may require larger doses given intravenously (100,000 to 150,000 mg daily). Vitamin C helps the body to make its own antioxidant, glutathione as well assist the body in the production of its own antiviral called interferon. If IV vitamin C is not available there have been cases where some people have gradually increased their oral dose up to 50,000 mg daily before reaching bowel tolerance. Powdered or crystal forms of high quality ascorbic acid can be taken five grams (5,000 mg) at a time, every four hours. Every virus seems to respond to this type of treatment, regardless of the whether it is SARs, Bird flu, Swine flu or the new Coronavirus flu.
2. Vitamin D3 – Vitamin D helps fend off flu, asthma attacks, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 10, 2010. This was a double-blind placebo controlled study where the treatment group consumed 1,200 IU of vitamin D3 during the cold and flu season, while the control group took a placebo. The vitamin D group had a 58% reduced risk of flu. Vitamin D3 is also very effective in the treatment of virus/flu infections:
- Vitamin D3 helps our body to make an antibiotic protein called cathelicidin, which is known to kill viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
- Vitamin D deficiency for adults is 42%, but this is incorrect because the standards are too low. Levels of 30-50 ng/ml are said to be adequate, but every scientific study has shown that levels of 50-100 ng/ml are needed for true protection.
- Diet and sunshine are good sources of vitamin D, but most people need to supplement, especially during flu season. Between 5,000-10,000 IU daily is often recommended in the form of a quality liquid supplement.
- When you get the flu Dr. John Cannel recommends taking 50,000 IU daily for the first 5 days, and then 5.000-10,000 IU as a maintenance dose.
3. Silver – Silver Kills Viruses, Journal of Nanotechnology, October 18, 2005. This study found that silver nanoparticles kills HIV-1 and virtually any other viruses. The study was jointly conducted by the University of Texas and Mexico University. After incubating HIV-1 virus at 37 C, the silver particles killed 100% of the virus within 3 hours. Silver employs a unique mechanism of action to kill viruses.
- Silver binds to the membrane of the virus, limiting its oxygen supply and suffocating it.
- Silver also binds to the DNA of the virus cell, preventing it from multiplying.
- Silver is also able to prevent the transfer of the virus from one person to another by blocking the ability of the virus to find a host cell to feed on. All viruses need host cells to survive.
- Colloidal silver can also be used at doses of 10-20 ppm. Nanoparticle sliver is preferred.
The best defense against swine flu, bird flu or the new coronavirus may be a few teaspoons of sliver every day. Bacteria and viruses cannot develop a resistance like many other treatments can. Silver disables a vital enzyme and mechanism in pathogens, so they cannot survive.
Other evidence-based herbal strategies for the flu
In addition to the previously mentioned vitamin strategies for preventing and treating virus-related illnesses, there are several herbal remedies that are also effective. Here are a few with proven scientific evidence behind them:
Elderberry – A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found elderberry can be used as a safe and effective treatment for influenza A and B.
Calendula – A study by the University of Maryland Medical Center found that ear drops containing calendula can be effective for treating ear infections in children.
Astragulus root – Scientific studies have shown that Astragulus has anti-viral properties and stimulates the immune system. One study in the Chinese Medical Sciences Journal concluded that Astragulus is able to inhibit the growth of coxsackie B virus.
Licorice root – Licorice is gaining popularity for the prevention and treatment of diseases, such as hepatitis C, HIV and influenza. (The Chinese Journal of Virology published a review of these findings)
Olive leaf – Olive leaf has been proven effective in the treatment of cold and flu viruses, meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis B, malaria, gonorrhea and tuberculosis. One study at the New York University School of Medicine found that olive leaf extracts reversed many HIV-1 infections.
These are just some of the many anti-viral agents that should be included in everyone’s home remedy medicine chest. It may also be helpful to know which foods can provide the best anti-vital protection. Certain foods can provide strong anti-viral production. Some of the strongest foods in this category include:
It is a generally accepted fact that once a virus is in the body it very seldom leaves. The medications, vitamins and herbs that have been proven to be effective simply suppress the virus and limit its ability to reproduce. A strong immune system is the key to preventing and/or successfully treating any chronic illness. The key elements of this protection program include:
- Eating a plant-based whole food diet with very limited animal products
- Adding daily nutritional supplements such as a multiple vitamin/mineral, 2000 mg of vitamin C with bioflavonoids, maintain vitamin D3 levels of 50-90 ng/mL, 1000-2000 mg of Omega 3 oils, a vitamin B complex and about 400 mg of magnesium depending on your level of exercise.
- Avoid toxins and use detoxification programs periodically.
- Regular daily exercise-aerobic, resistance and flexibility.
- Avoid stress and use yoga and meditation to manage stress.
- Wash your hands with soap and water after touching areas that have been touched by others.
- In the home, there is a new product, PureGreen24, that kills Staph, MRSA and most viruses within two minutes. This product has an EPA IV toxicity rating and is safe and effective for hospitals as well as for children and pets at home.
- Avoid putting your hands to your face.
- Avoid anyone who is experiencing flu and cold symptoms.
- At the first signs of any cold or flu symptoms begin a fairly aggressive treatment protocol. The sooner treatment begins the better the chance is that the infection can be stopped and/or controlled.
By adhering to this basic anti-viral strategy, it is possible to greatly reduce the risk of these virus-related illnesses, as well as most other illnesses. Conventional medicine offers very little for the prevention or treatment of most viral illnesses. Natural medicine offers considerably more solutions.