10 Characteristics of Psora Miasm / Diathesis
Dr. Hahnemann describes psora as one of the oldest diseases in existence. From 600 BC to the Middle Ages, various types of leprosy spread throughout the world. It was one of the most infectious and scaring diseases. According to Hahnemann, psora originated from ancestral suppression of leprosy. He referred to psora as the mother of all disease. All diseases stem from psora.
In Greek, the word psora means “scabies,” a contagious infestation of the skin caused by the itch mite. Hahnemann believed that the moment the organism touched the skin, the infection occurred, even though the itch-vesicle appeared six to ten days after the contact. By the time the skin eruption appears, the infective agent has infected the whole organism. The external manifestation proves the completion of the internal disease.
Psora is describes as “the intolerable itch.” Whenever there is psora, we will find the itch. Without the psora miasm, there can be no itch. Starting with a deficiency of the primary routes of elimination, psora expresses itself externally with all types of skin conditions. The skin incurs scaly eruptions and is dirty, dry and itchy. The psora miasm externalizes toxins, and if suppressed topically, it will lead to the manifestation of a serious internal ailment.
Sulphur is one of the leading remedies in the treatment of psoric conditions. It addresses various chronic conditions that rise from psora. The centrifugal action of the remedy brings diseases buried deep in the system to the peripheral. As the equilibrium of the vital force is reinstated and the condition improves, an anti-miasmatic nosode can follow. In every chronic disease lays a fundamental pathological factor.Unless the root cause of the disease is treated, it will never be cured.
Psorinum has many therapeutic properties. It is indicated in the treatment of all chronic diseases stemming from Psora. Psorinum is an anti-miasmatic remedy prepared from the secretion of the scabies vesicle. The deep stimulus action of the remedy addresses the inner perturbation of the psoric miasm.
Psora has two pathological tendencies:
Endogenous and exogenous contamination.
- 1.Endogenous substance contamination originates from within the organism. The toxins of the metabolism are not eliminated.
- Exogenoussubstance contamination is due to a sedentary lifestyle combined with auto intoxication. Toxins enter the body from the outside. Food treated with additives which are grown in chemical fertilized environments, tobacco smoking, drugs, vaccinations, heavy metals, and microorganisms cause auto intoxication.
The 10 Characteristics of Psora Miasm Diathesis
- Intense pruritus aggravated by heat.
- Affection of ectodermic (outer cell) origin.
- Functional pathologies – all “hypo” (hypo tension, hypoplasia, etc) and atrophic conditions.
- Poor elimination of toxins.
- Variable pathologies due to suppression.
- Bad odor of secretions.
- Abnormal appetite, atendency to gain weight.
- Profound asthenia, a desire to lie down.
- Affections of the digestive tract.
- Predisposition to parasites. Intestinal parasites favor cutaneous fungus