Have You Had Any Of These Symptoms? If So, Get To a Doctor Immediately!
S. Boone
Heart disease (which includes heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases) is the number one cause of death in the United States; estimates for 2011 indicate nearly 787,000 people died. The outcome of a heart attack can range from slightly debilitating, requiring surgery and therapy for a full recovery, all the way to death.
A heart attack is the result of the oxygen-rich blood flow to the heart muscle becoming blocked. If this blood flow cannot be restored quickly, the heart muscle starts to spasm and die, which leads to this serious medical emergency.
So many external and internal conditions can combine to create heart disease problems. The rising daily stress levels and often irregular hours of an individual’s chosen lifestyle today can increase the risk for heart disease. The infographic included below highlights some of the early warning signs our bodies will often give that something is not quite right. Knowing these signs and taking personal action can have a positive impact on the outcome.
One of the early signals can be sudden mood swings, which just lead to additional stress and anxiety, overloading your system. Some individuals find a daily period of meditation will help to calm themselves down, and lessen the increasing physical tension. Other more noticeable symptoms can include dizziness (vertigo), abnormal sweating, unexplained feeling of fatigue, or a persistent cough. Chest pain accompanied by arm pain and/or neck pain is a major symptom of a heart attack and requires an individual seek medial care immediayely.
Take a look at this inforgraphic for useful information on the symptons your body might present as it attempts to share with you that something is wrong. Knowing some of the early signs might help you to notice and take action before you have a debilitating heart attack.
Infographic provided by http://www.successstory.com/