Plus our recommended gallbladder flush and liver cleanse protocol
Robert Harrington
Natural Society
Seasonal cleanses have been customary within indigenous societies for millennia. These herbal and food-based cleansing therapies were usually performed during the change of seasons. The transitions that occur during the Autumn and Spring months are quite conducive for release of ‘the old’ in order to make room for ‘the new.’ Leaves die in the Fall, new growth sprouts in the Spring.
The major detoxification organs of the body also require an annual rejuvenation of sorts. The liver, colon, and kidneys especially benefit from cleanses which purge the accumulated sludge and stones. Of these three, it is the liver and gallbladder which have been under particular stress from years of toxin overload.
Especially for those who are still addicted to the American diet is the necessity of conducting a gallbladder flush / liver cleanse quite important. It has been estimated by some experts that the average American liver has between 1000 and 5000 gallstones by the age of 50. That includes very small stones and gall-pebbles, hardened bile and calcium deposits as well.
How did this predicament become so common?
When the bile stops flowing normally, the bile ducts will become blocked. The natural release of gallstones slows down considerably. This inevitably causes the liver to become congested with unreleased gallstones, hardened bile, cholesterol and calcium deposits, chaff, and other waste product accumulations.
The longer this waste matter sits in the liver, the more that the normal detoxification pathways will become compromised. Eventually the liver and gallbladder can be set up for organ failure, the gallbladder normally experiencing dysfunction first. This is witnessed by many a surgeon who performs the most popular surgery in the USA — the Cholecystectomy, also known as the surgical removal of the gallbladder.
Read: Liver Cleanse Diet – 11 Ways to Support the Liver
The Gallbladder Flush / Liver Cleanse
The single best way to avoid a Cholecystectomy is to conduct a regular gallbladder flush, which also serves as a liver cleanse. There are several types of flushes; some are much more effective than others. However, because of various health issues such as food allergies, some folks tolerate more gentle approaches than the powerful liver/gallbladder flush formulated by Dr. Hulda Clark.
Dr. Clark’s protocols are very simple and not very time-consuming, so they can be performed by the busy professional. It revolves around dietary alterations and a process some find distasteful because it utilizes a couple of oral doses of EPSOM Salt. However, magnesium sulfate is so effective in dilating the bile ducts that it is really quite essential.
So is the olive oil-grapefruit juice potion. Here, again, it is the olive oil that will cause the liver to convulse in order to force the gallstones out of the liver and gallbladder with large amounts of fast-flowing bile. Because these protocols call for dietary changes for a short period of time prior to the flush, bile will build up in the liver as desired.
For anyone who is experiencing chronic gallbladder dysfunction or liver pains, these flushes have the potential to clear up the problems — FAST! Even those with Hepatitis C have greatly benefited from this cleanse because the inflammation often decreases with the decongestion of the liver.
Here is an excellent version of the Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse / Gallbladder Flush protocol. This particular version has been refined over many years and is much easier to tolerate than the original program.
Gallbladder attacks have now become more numerous than heart attacks; albeit, not nearly as serious. However, they can be much more painful depending on how big of a gallstone is being passed. A great way to avoid such a distressful experience is to keep the gallbladder and liver as free as possible of gallstones and other toxic waste products … so that they don’t try to come out in a manner that causes so much chest pain and discomfort. And, when you least expect a gallbladder attack to occur.
Read: Are Gallbladder Attacks Misdiagnosed As Heart Attacks?
Additional comments from The Health Coach:
*The Health Coach highly recommends that the Hulda Clark Gallbladder Flush & Liver Cleanse be conducted at least once a year. In many cases this flush ought to be performed twice or even four times per year in order to relieve persistent liver congestion and/or clogged bile ducts.
The biliary system, which consists of the bile ducts, gallbladder, and associated structures, is quite susceptible to various types of dysfunction and breakdown. More significantly, chronic gallbladder disorders and/or advanced disease are known to severely compromise the digestive process. The longer this predicament is allowed to continue, the more other medical ailments and health conditions will result.
A healthy gallbladder and bile duct system is integral to a properly functioning digestive tract. Constipation (both cute and chronic), hiatal hernia, indigestion, flatulence, headaches, neck pain, external hemorrhoids and elevated liver enzymes, among many other complaints occur directly as a result of a dysfunctional gallbladder.
The following gallbladder flush has been used for decades and proven itself to be extremely effective for removing gallstones is a safe, quick and pain-free manner. It only takes a 24 hour period to complete the entire flush protocol and can be performed even in the midst of a busy schedule.
The Gallbladder Flush / Liver Cleanse
For more information regarding the importance of maintaining excellent gallbladder and liver health, please refer to the links below.
Part I: Chronic Problems Related to Gallbladder Dysfunction/Disease
Part II: Chronic Problems Related to Gallbladder Dysfunction/Disease
Part III: Chronic Problems Related to Gallbladder Dysfunction/Disease
Part IV: Chronic Problems Related to Gall Bladder Dysfunction/Disease
The Health Coach has recommended the Hulda Clark Liver Cleanse / Gallbladder Flush for many years with great success. It is perhaps the single most important detoxification protocol that many folks can conduct. The Gallbladder Flush should occupy a prominent position in every healing program, especially when the digestive system is being challenged.
May you enjoy excellent health!