Dictyostelium Discoideum and Morgellons
It is worth noting there is strong evidence that Dictyostelium Discoideum plays a major role in the progression of Morgellons. Many Morgellon’s sufferers report a change in the color and consistency of their blood (hot pink and more watery) as well as a persistent “sliminess” on the skin and increased bodily secretions. This includes sinus drainage, moist palms and feet, coughing up phlegm, and women may notice more vaginal secretions. They also report a strange coating on the skin, commonly referred to as “biofilm.” A biofilm is a sludge/stew of many organisms coexisting together, each able to survive because of the existence of the others. Biofilms are extremely difficult to eradicate because the separate parts each work to protect the existence of the whole. It is important to understand that this same biofilm present on the skin is also present internally. Your skin is your body’s first line of defense and plays a major role in the immune system. When you see the biofilm on your skin, it is your body’s attempt to extrude it from the internal organs and push it out. Unfortunately, this dictyostelium-based biofilm is relentless and just keeps reproducing internally as fast as your body can force it out through secretions.
What Is Dictyostelium Discoideum?
- D. discoideum is a “mutating organism” where at its simplest state, is a single-celled eukaryotic organism. It is often used in medical research due to its very short life-cycle and ability to be easily manipulated in research and testing. Many of these medical “experiments” are washed right down the sink, thus allowing D. discoideum to enter our municipal water supply. Unfortunately, this 400 billion-year-old organism can survive just about anything (including being suspended in water) and can easily mutate. When its spores are inhaled into one’s lungs or ingested into the body, the immune system will often not recognise it as foreign due to its similarities to a human cell.
- Morgellons seems to somehow include a strain of Dictyostelium Discoideum (from hereon after – “D. discoideum“) – an organism inhabiting forest detritus, apparently sharing some genes with humans.
- D. discoideum is the basis for the “slimy” lesions, biofilm, and the “crawling, slithering” feeling that one experiences underneath their skin.
- D. discoideum can easily co-exist with many organisms (including the “new” nanotechnology), is very opportunistic, and helps to create a toxic sludge biofilm that can live deep within the body, primarily the intestines – this is why it is crucial to detox the body and eliminate this biofilm. Quite simply, kill the slime and you kill the ability for Morgellons to exist in your body.
- D. discoideum feeds on bacteria and propogates itself through normal cellular asexual reproduction to produce daughter cells in VERY short order (24-hour life cycle) thus it is constantly reproducing in your body.
- When its diet of bacteria runs low, the organism will shrink by “gathering its cells together”, and in the process creating a “pedestal” and a “fruiting body with spores”, where the fruiting body will contain bacteria cultures that are subsequently “farmed” to provide food for the spores when they are released.
- D. discoideum‘s over-use and alleged GM experiments by the business and scientific sectors have altered it and allowed it to mutate with other organisms.